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December 20, 2022

New Podcast Episodes: Pavel Fedotov and Colin Hutchinson in Conversation about their work

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Two final episodes brings a year of podcasting to a close

It might be a little early for Christmas, but not by much, but so here’s a little pre-gift for you to enjoy. Not one but two new episodes of The Exchanges Discourse podcast series, talking with authors about their lives, work and publication.

In an interesting counterpoint firstly I’m In Conversation with Pavel Fedotov, young author of the article Critical Analysis of the Electric Vehicle Industry: Five forces and strategic action fields, about his studies and ambitions.

Then I’m talking with veteran author Colin Hutchinson, the mind behind End of the Line: The unpublished novels of Anita Mason, about his life and work as an indecent scholar in the realm of the social novel. In particular we touch on his hopes in bringing these novels to greater attention and perhaps even public view one day.

For those keeping score, these are the 16th and 17th episodes of the podcast this year, with a grand total of 6 hours 59 minutes of content across them all. As the host and producer of the show, it’s been a delight talking with so many different authors around the world about their work and publishing, and I do hope you’ve all enjoyed listening in on our chats.

The first episode for 2023 is already drafted, as – spoiler alert – it’ll be focussed on one of Exchanges most popular formats: the critical reflection. Listen out for that in January. In the meantime, I’ll leave to enjoy every episode from our first three seasons of the podcast.

(Also available on Spotify)

And if you’ve enjoyed them, have a comment or suggestion for future episodes, of would like to feature as a guest in a future episode – then do get in touch with me.

December 06, 2022

New Episode: In Conversation Again with Huayi Huang: Realism & Epistemologies

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Once more we are delighted to share a conversation with one of our past authors. In this case we were joined by an author on the podcast for the second time, marking their sophomore contribution to the journal. As to be expected, this gave us a chance to delve into some new areas of academic debate and discussion.

In this episode we talk to Huayi Huang (Usher Institute of Health and Wellbeing, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland) about his work and publications. We focus in on Huayi’s recent article – Reflections from Research Practice: Realism and its reality, coming to know this, and working out its mechanisms of socio-material change– which appeared in the Autumn 2022 issue (Exchanges v10.1). In a broad conversation we discuss realism, knowledge systems, compromises and normalising change. As always, the episode wraps up with suggested advice on early career and first-time academic journal authors, focusing in on how to successfully overcome trepidations at the point of submission.

Listen in here:

In Conversation Again with Huayi Huang: Realism & Epistemologies:

(Also available on Spotify)

November 24, 2022

New Episode: In Conversation with Simon Varwell – Citizen Participation & Partnerships

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Another new episode of The Exchanges Discourse podcast has gone live, once again featuring a conversation with an author whose work appeared in a recent issue.

In this episode we talk to Simon Varwell (SPARQS, Edinburgh, UK) about his work and publications. We focus in on Simon’s recent article – A Literature Review of Arnstein’s Ladder of Citizen Participation: Lessons for contemporary student engagement – which appeared in the Autumn 2022 issue (Exchanges v10.1). In a wide ranging conversation we discuss Arnstein’s relevance in various sectors today, explore student partnerships and representation within tertiary education alongside reflections on effective peer-reviewer practice. As always, the episode wraps up with suggested advice for early career and first time authors looking to publish within academic journals.

Listen in here:

(Also available on Spotify)

November 16, 2022

New Episode: In Conversation with Harriet Richmond

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Another author graces the Exchanges' podcast with their thoughts on research and publication.

Once more we present another new episode of The Exchanges Discourse podcast, this time featuring another chat with an author from a recent volume of the journal. In a lengthy, and lively, discussion Harriet and myself explore a range of topics from HE marketisation – always a favourite of mine – through being an outsider and locating oneself within a discipline and into the realm of cultural studies and organisational stories. I find myself saying this about all the author interviews, but its true, that once again it was a very enjoyable and informative conversation.

(Also available on Spotify)

I’ll be recording the next episode tomorrow, once more featuring an author of a recent paper – and I’m looking forward to a similarly illuminatory chat too. Listen out for it!

November 02, 2022

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself…

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Actually, the title’s a slight lie – as I’d like to introduce you all you all to the newest members of our Editorial Board. Over the summer we ran an open call for new Board members drawn from and at institutions within the EUTOPIA alliance, of which Warwick is a key member. With thanks to everyone who applied, and folks like the International Office who helped get the word out, we were approached by a number of folks who were interested in joining our team. After a series of fairly informal interviews, I am totally thrilled to reveal the seven new Board members.

  • Anna Rivers(English and Comparative Literary Studies University of Warwick, UK)
  • Ignaas Jimidar(CHIS/MCS, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
  • Martín Solórzano González(Epidemiology and Evaluation Barcelona Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute and University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, Spain)
  • Michelle Devereaux(Film & Television Studies, University of Warwick, UK)
  • Pallavi Joshi(French Studies, University of Warwick, UK)
  • Shilpi Pandey(Faculty of Law, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
  • Vanja Baltić(Arts, University of Bologna, Italy)

If you’ve read the most recent issue’s editorial[1] you’ll understand my rationale for expanding the Board and importantly bringing onboard some new talent from around the world. I am genuinely as excited as it is possible to get working on Exchanges, to be able to collaborate with these wonderful and engaging scholars.

In the next few weeks, I’ll be conducting some training and induction work with them all before they really get stuck in to working on the journal. However, I know regular readers will want to join me in welcoming them to the Exchanges family at this point.

You can learn more about each of the new editors, along with our established team, over on the Exchanges’ Board Profiles page.[2]


[1] What? You haven’t yet? Go on, go there, read it and then come back. I’ll wait here until you do…

[2] I know - three blog entries in a day is a bit much, but this is what happens when I'm locked up for the preceeding weeks in getting the journal published! I promise, no more than one more post this most

New Issue – Vol 10.1 Published

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It probably hasn’t escaped many of our regular reader’s attention, but last week saw the publication of the first issue in the tenth volume of Exchanges. This is an exciting moment as it officially kicks up the countdown to our 10th birthday issue in October 2023! Given that a lot of smaller, scholar-led journals such as ours barely make it a few issues once the initial enthusiasm dies down, that Exchanges is on the cusp of moving into its second decade 12 months from now is quite the achievement.

As always, this issue comes with a range of work from across the disciplinary spectrum. From academic fakery and citizen participation through collage and autoethnography to unpublished literary works and electric vehicles; there’s something to tantalise and engage most readers I suspect.

Access the issue here:

Or for direct article access – here’s the issue’s TOC:

Johnson, G.J., 2022. A Time to Broaden the Family: Editorial, Volume 10, Part 1. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), i-xi. Available at:

Teixeira da Silva, J.A., & Al-Khatib, A., 2022. The Deontology of Using Pets in Academic Publishing-Related Sting Operations. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 1-20. Available at:

Redfern, N., 2022. Distributional Thinking About Film Style: Quantile comparisons of motion picture shot length data. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 21-42. Available at:

Fedotov, P., 2022. Critical Analysis of the Electric Vehicle Industry: Five forces and strategic action fields. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 43-56. Available at:

Huang, H., 2022. Reflections from Research Practice: Realism and its reality, coming to know this, and working out its mechanisms of socio-material change. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 57-93. Available at:

Hutchinson, C., 2022. End of the Line: The unpublished novels of Anita Mason. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 94-107. Available at:

Varwell, S., 2022. A Literature Review of Arnstein’s Ladder of Citizen Participation: Lessons for contemporary student engagement. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 108-144. Available at:

Richmond, H., 2022. The Use of Collage in Autoethnography. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 145-154. Available at:

That is probably our last issue for 2022, unless there’s a sudden rapid accumulation of completed work on one of our special issues. Nevertheless, as always, we’re delighted to receive new work for future issues in the meanwhile.

October 13, 2022

In Conversation with Sharon Coleclough

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It’s been a busy few weeks, what with the start of term, new fellows and in the background working to recruit new editorial board members (of which more in a few weeks). However, there was still time to record a couple more episodes of the Exchanges Discourse Podcast with authors on our recent ‘lonely nerds’ special issue. It is safe to say, as with my previous one with Alena, these were two highly enjoyable and content rich conversations with two delightfully gracious researchers. Honestly, I think we could have spoken for almost double the time if I’d not been keeping an eye on the clock.

So you can of course listen to the episode for yourself, and look forward to the next one which is already ‘in the can’ and will be heading your way hopefully in the very near future too. And after that – it’s all hands on deck for the publication of issue 10.1 of Exchanges at the end of the month. October, it’s never been a quiet month!

Listen to the episode here:

In this episode we talk to Sharon Coleclough (Senior Lecturer, Culture, Heritage and Society, Staffordshire University, UK) about her research and publications; focussing on her Exchanges article So Many Ways to be an Outsider: ‘Nerdism’ and ethnicity as signifiers of otherness which appeared in our recent Lonely Nerdsspecial issue. We talk about her research into representation, and her exciting progress into new avenues of publication and research. The episode touches on advice for postgraduate and early career researchers in terms of establishing your personal brand, researching your passions and how to accept feedback on your writing more effectively.

For all past episodes of the podcast, you can find a complete listing on this page.

September 27, 2022

In Conversation with Alena Cicholewski

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And we're pleased to announce the release of our next podcast episode, chatting with another of our past authors about their work, publications and advice on publishing. Access the episode here

Listen to the episode here:

For all past episodes of the podcast, you can find a complete listing on this page.

I'll be recording more author interviews over the next few weeks, so keep an ear open for those too.

June 14, 2022

Podcast: Talking with Jon Braddy

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Yes, we're back with an all-new episode of the Exchanges Discourse podcast. It's been a bust few months thanks to bank holidays, the launch of the new issue and working on various special issue projects. Which has meant the podcast took a slightly back-seat for a couple of months. But the good news is, we're back and with a couple of author interviews to start us off again. Hopefully, there's a few more interesting episodes to follow - especially once we launch our next special issue of the journal. More on that in the coming month.

In the meantime, please enjoy my conversation with Jon about everything from the weather, through developing your writing with passion and the idea that publishing CAN and should be fun without diminishing the scholarship.

In Conversation with Jon Braddy (S03E06)

We talk with Jon Braddy, Florida Gulf Coast University, about his paper Utilizing the Octothorpe (#): Schizoanalytic cartographies recognized in War Games, which appeared in the most recent issue of the Exchanges journal (V9.2). Along the way, aside from contrasting the trans-Atlantic weather differences, we look at passion how it can serve to evolve your own academic voice within your writing. We also discuss some areas of mutual challenges for authors and editors of scholarly journals, and reflect on the value and process of peer-review.

The Exchanges Discourse podcast is available on, Spotify and most major podcast platforms.

Our next episode was recorded this morning, so listen out for it next week.

April 29, 2022

Volume 9 Issue 2 of Exchanges is NOW Available

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We are delighted to announce the publication of the Spring 2022 issue of Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal. This is our 21st issue overall, and as a regular issue of the title, contains a range of articles, critical reflections and conversations on a broad spectrum of topics. It is, like all our past issues, entirely open access and free to read at point of publication.





This is the twenty-first issue of Exchanges, published in April 2022. This issue contains a variety of articles from different corners of the disciplinary academic traditions, from authors around the globe. Article topics within include: schizoanalytic cartographies, post-urban life in the Alps, factual divergence and expert trust, challenging stereotypical representation of Italian women, environmental epiphanies, disability representation in the media; along with two extended conversations with noted scholars. The issue’s editorial by the Editor-in-Chief briefly introduces the issue and provides an overview of the articles published within it. It also highlights two opportunities for participation through a reader survey and an anniversary call for papers on ‘authentic interdisciplinary’, alongside the regular open call for contributions to future issues. Ways for readers and authors to engage with the journal in-between issues are also highlighted.


As always, my thanks to all the authors, reviewers and editors who helped make this issue possible. Hopefully, the next issue you’ll be seeing will be one of our especially exciting special issues. Watch this space for news, or sign up to be an Exchanges reader and get emails directly.

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