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November 02, 2022

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself…

Writing about web page

Actually, the title’s a slight lie – as I’d like to introduce you all you all to the newest members of our Editorial Board. Over the summer we ran an open call for new Board members drawn from and at institutions within the EUTOPIA alliance, of which Warwick is a key member. With thanks to everyone who applied, and folks like the International Office who helped get the word out, we were approached by a number of folks who were interested in joining our team. After a series of fairly informal interviews, I am totally thrilled to reveal the seven new Board members.

  • Anna Rivers(English and Comparative Literary Studies University of Warwick, UK)
  • Ignaas Jimidar(CHIS/MCS, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
  • Martín Solórzano González(Epidemiology and Evaluation Barcelona Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute and University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, Spain)
  • Michelle Devereaux(Film & Television Studies, University of Warwick, UK)
  • Pallavi Joshi(French Studies, University of Warwick, UK)
  • Shilpi Pandey(Faculty of Law, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
  • Vanja Baltić(Arts, University of Bologna, Italy)

If you’ve read the most recent issue’s editorial[1] you’ll understand my rationale for expanding the Board and importantly bringing onboard some new talent from around the world. I am genuinely as excited as it is possible to get working on Exchanges, to be able to collaborate with these wonderful and engaging scholars.

In the next few weeks, I’ll be conducting some training and induction work with them all before they really get stuck in to working on the journal. However, I know regular readers will want to join me in welcoming them to the Exchanges family at this point.

You can learn more about each of the new editors, along with our established team, over on the Exchanges’ Board Profiles page.[2]


[1] What? You haven’t yet? Go on, go there, read it and then come back. I’ll wait here until you do…

[2] I know - three blog entries in a day is a bit much, but this is what happens when I'm locked up for the preceeding weeks in getting the journal published! I promise, no more than one more post this most

March 05, 2020

Editorial Entrances & Departures

Writing about web page

This week we’re witnessing a slight changing of the guard with Exchanges. Firstly, some of my associate editors who have been working on our various special issues have come off the team. My thanks to Sophie, Freya and James for their various contributions to the title, and I hope they’ve found it a useful learning experience [1].

Meanwhile, behind the scenes at Exchanges I’ve been working these past two years to gradually increase the internationalisation of the Board, by talking with Warwick’s various institutional partners. It can be tricky overseeing and supporting a distributed editorial team around the globe, and it’s a time consuming (and occasionally frustrating) task to engage with those institutions where we don’t have any direct representation for the journal. Much as I’d like to do a spot of globetrotting and make some connections in person [2], it hasn’t been practical – so I’ve been involved in extensive chains of email correspondence. It probably won’t surprise you to read that Exchanges isn’t top of many scholars’ priorities. This might be understandable, but from a Managing Editor perspective, it can make for false starts and occasional stagnation.

Nevertheless, as of today, I’m delighted to welcome aboard our newest two members of the Editorial Board as Dr Guilherme Sampaio and Dr Salvatore Monteleone join us from CY Cergy Paris Université. Guilherme is an intellectual historian, specialising in particular on the French reception of Keynes and generally on the relation between economic thought and policy in Modern France. By contrast, Salvatore is a researcher focussing on cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, and network-on-chip architectures. I’m confident they’ll both bring some much appreciated new perspectives and insights, alongside their more practical contributions to the journal.

[1] More about that in a later post and conference paper next month!

[2] Perhaps less so currently, given the current global health crisis

April 24, 2018

Welcome to the Exchanges Blog

As the title says, welcome to the Exchanges: The Warwick Research Journal blog. My name's Gaz J Johnson, and I'm the fairly freshly appointed Senior Editor of this interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal, based in the Institute of Advanced Study.

Exchanges has been around for over 5 years now, and has developed into a valued publishing location for early career researchers (ECR) across the university and affiliated institutions, who are looking for to publish interdisciplinary scholarly material. Over the coming months and years, part of my Senior Editor remit is to expand the journal’s focus beyond Warwick, especially with those international organisations with whom we have exciting scholarly links. Hence, I’ll be using talking about developments around the title over the coming months.

As my own background as a researcher is as a political-economist and social theorist in the field of emerging publishing modes, especially open access, I’ll also be using this blog to muse about developments here as well. Hopefully, this might even engender a bit of conversation and insight from other scholars in this field too.

Alongside this, I’ll be highlighting and exploring selected authors and articles from past and future issues. I’m aiming to include a few post-publication interviews with authors as well, exploring how their work’s advanced since publication and what additional resonances, insights or impacts it’s created.

I’ll also be using the blog to highlight various announcements, for example calls for papers and (very shortly) calls for applications to join the Editorial Team. Exchanges has a team of Editors drawn from the ECR community, whose work comprises an essential and much valued contribution to the title. Quite literally, without them, the journal wouldn’t exist. We all work in collaboration with the University Library too, who provide insight and technical infrastructure for the title. As a former academic librarian myself, I’m especially excited to be working with the library’s scholarly publications team in this endeavour.

Finally, for this post at least, I’ll highlight where you can find out more about Exchanges.

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