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September 06, 2023

For a Few Board Members More

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One more new Board member brings us up to strength.

Over the summer we had an open call out to early career researchers based at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia to join our Editorial Board. Monash was the first of Warwick's partner institutions we recruited people to the Board back in late 2017, and over the years the team members there have made a stunning contribution to the journal. A couple of the longer standing Monash-originated members stood down from the Board earlier this year, and so the time was ripe to open the books to see if any new blood could be recruited from our Australian partners.

I am pleased to report that Jacob Thomas (Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science) came forward, and has as of the end of August joined the Board. Jacob's going through their induction and training period at the moment, but you'll be please to know you can read all about their career and research over on the Exchanges Board Profiles. And while you're there, why not refresh your memory about all the wonderful people who help make Exchanges the success it is today!

November 02, 2022

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself…

Writing about web page

Actually, the title’s a slight lie – as I’d like to introduce you all you all to the newest members of our Editorial Board. Over the summer we ran an open call for new Board members drawn from and at institutions within the EUTOPIA alliance, of which Warwick is a key member. With thanks to everyone who applied, and folks like the International Office who helped get the word out, we were approached by a number of folks who were interested in joining our team. After a series of fairly informal interviews, I am totally thrilled to reveal the seven new Board members.

  • Anna Rivers(English and Comparative Literary Studies University of Warwick, UK)
  • Ignaas Jimidar(CHIS/MCS, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
  • Martín Solórzano González(Epidemiology and Evaluation Barcelona Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute and University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, Spain)
  • Michelle Devereaux(Film & Television Studies, University of Warwick, UK)
  • Pallavi Joshi(French Studies, University of Warwick, UK)
  • Shilpi Pandey(Faculty of Law, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
  • Vanja Baltić(Arts, University of Bologna, Italy)

If you’ve read the most recent issue’s editorial[1] you’ll understand my rationale for expanding the Board and importantly bringing onboard some new talent from around the world. I am genuinely as excited as it is possible to get working on Exchanges, to be able to collaborate with these wonderful and engaging scholars.

In the next few weeks, I’ll be conducting some training and induction work with them all before they really get stuck in to working on the journal. However, I know regular readers will want to join me in welcoming them to the Exchanges family at this point.

You can learn more about each of the new editors, along with our established team, over on the Exchanges’ Board Profiles page.[2]


[1] What? You haven’t yet? Go on, go there, read it and then come back. I’ll wait here until you do…

[2] I know - three blog entries in a day is a bit much, but this is what happens when I'm locked up for the preceeding weeks in getting the journal published! I promise, no more than one more post this most

August 11, 2022

Opening up the (Editorial Board) Books

Writing about web page

It seems a long time since I last made a call for new editors. Sure, we’ve had various calls for associate editors over the past couple of years but the last time I actually made an open call for new Editorial Board members[1] was before the pandemic when we reached out to CY Cergy Paris University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Before I was on the journal myself, my impression was that editors came and went with a greater regularity. Since I took on the Chief Editorship though, we’ve seldom seen members of the team stand down from their roles, or at least those that came onboard have stayed for the long haul.

Now, I would love to attribute this shift to the healthy, collegiate and respectful environment I strive to operate the title under. Perhaps there’s a modicum of veritas in that perception, but you’d have to ask the editors themselves for their perceptions as it not really for me to say! Nevertheless, from time to time my editors do confess how much they enjoy working on the title, so I’m clearly doing something right. Additionally, I’m sure the prestige and experience each gains from contributing to Exchanges plays no small part in retaining so many of the team over such a span of time. Perhaps then this is the key element which has kept them on the team over the years.

That said, in recent months as I’ve watched the IAS’ involvement with the EUTOPIA Alliance, a consortium of European universities of which Warwick is proud to be a member, a thought occurred to me. Surely, there could be a way through which Exchanges could tap into and contribute to these useful inter-intersectional networks in some mutually beneficial ways. Afterall, we were set up to engender a broad, and international, interdisciplinary discourse. Not to mention, for the journal itself, bringing on a few new faces to the Board would help to enrich and strengthen it, alongside giving the team as a whole some greater resiliency.

You see, there’s a truism which suggests the longer anyone remains in a post, the increasing likelihood they will call time on their commitment and depart. While it may not apply to everyone, as the individual tasked with running the journal, this idea does form part of my informal risk registerer associated with maintaining smooth and effective operations. Given so many of our editors have now been with us for such a relatively long time, at the back of my head I’ve always had concerns we might suddenly witness as a ‘great resignation’ all of our own. Which would put me in a difficult spot trying to keep all the plates/wheels/cats spinning[2] on the title, while simultaneously recruiting and training new members of the team. Moreover, with the traditional summer quiet time on the journal operational front, it feels the time couldn’t be better to open up a call and start assessing some potential new editor candidates.

Hence largely for these reasons I’ve concluded it is the right point at which to see if we can find a few new members of the team to join us. Editors play such a crucial role in not only managing the reviewing and copyediting stages of our processes, but also directing and encouraging new author submissions through promoting the journal within their local and professional networks. Bringing in some fresh [3] faces will bring with them some interesting, insightful and useful new perspectives to the table.

Now, as with past calls I suspect I won’t be overwhelmed with applications, early career researchers generally have a lot on their plates [4] to deal with as it is. But I remain hopeful that we’ll have a good batch, varied and diversly international set of candidates willing to throw their hat into the ring.

If you’re interested in finding out more – you can read about the call via the link below. Or of course, by dropping me a line directly via the usual contact routes.

Here’s to an enriched and energised set of new editors working on Exchanges by the year’s end!


[1] Lets just call them ‘editors’ in this post for brevity

[2] Insert your own preferred metaphorical device here. And maybe not think too hard about spinning cats.

[3] Or at least candidates early in their personal research career journeys – as a mature ECR myself when I joined, age isn’t actually a consideration or barrier here to being considered.

[4] Spinning or otherwise.

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