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December 06, 2022

New Episode: In Conversation Again with Huayi Huang: Realism & Epistemologies

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Once more we are delighted to share a conversation with one of our past authors. In this case we were joined by an author on the podcast for the second time, marking their sophomore contribution to the journal. As to be expected, this gave us a chance to delve into some new areas of academic debate and discussion.

In this episode we talk to Huayi Huang (Usher Institute of Health and Wellbeing, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland) about his work and publications. We focus in on Huayi’s recent article – Reflections from Research Practice: Realism and its reality, coming to know this, and working out its mechanisms of socio-material change– which appeared in the Autumn 2022 issue (Exchanges v10.1). In a broad conversation we discuss realism, knowledge systems, compromises and normalising change. As always, the episode wraps up with suggested advice on early career and first-time academic journal authors, focusing in on how to successfully overcome trepidations at the point of submission.

Listen in here:

In Conversation Again with Huayi Huang: Realism & Epistemologies:

(Also available on Spotify)

November 24, 2022

New Episode: In Conversation with Simon Varwell – Citizen Participation & Partnerships

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Another new episode of The Exchanges Discourse podcast has gone live, once again featuring a conversation with an author whose work appeared in a recent issue.

In this episode we talk to Simon Varwell (SPARQS, Edinburgh, UK) about his work and publications. We focus in on Simon’s recent article – A Literature Review of Arnstein’s Ladder of Citizen Participation: Lessons for contemporary student engagement – which appeared in the Autumn 2022 issue (Exchanges v10.1). In a wide ranging conversation we discuss Arnstein’s relevance in various sectors today, explore student partnerships and representation within tertiary education alongside reflections on effective peer-reviewer practice. As always, the episode wraps up with suggested advice for early career and first time authors looking to publish within academic journals.

Listen in here:

(Also available on Spotify)

November 16, 2022

New Episode: In Conversation with Harriet Richmond

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Another author graces the Exchanges' podcast with their thoughts on research and publication.

Once more we present another new episode of The Exchanges Discourse podcast, this time featuring another chat with an author from a recent volume of the journal. In a lengthy, and lively, discussion Harriet and myself explore a range of topics from HE marketisation – always a favourite of mine – through being an outsider and locating oneself within a discipline and into the realm of cultural studies and organisational stories. I find myself saying this about all the author interviews, but its true, that once again it was a very enjoyable and informative conversation.

(Also available on Spotify)

I’ll be recording the next episode tomorrow, once more featuring an author of a recent paper – and I’m looking forward to a similarly illuminatory chat too. Listen out for it!

November 10, 2022

New Podcast Episode: So, What Makes a Good Peer Reviewer?

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Another week, another new episode of the Exchanges Discourse Podcast goes live.

Following on from the other week's Exchanges AMAseminar in the IAS, I've tried to capture the answer to one of the most interesting questions I was posed in the session. To whit: So, What Makes a Good Peer Reviewer? It's a question I've never explicitly tried answering before, even if implicitly I've long had opinions and thoughts on the subject. Now you can listen in and decide for yourself how these - and probably other - qualities make up an 'ideal' peer reviewer.

So, What Makes a Good Peer Reviewer?

(Also available on Spotify!)

Next episode, which I recorded yesterday, I’ll be speaking to the first of a number of authors who published in the most recent issue of the journal.

October 13, 2022

In Conversation with Sharon Coleclough

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It’s been a busy few weeks, what with the start of term, new fellows and in the background working to recruit new editorial board members (of which more in a few weeks). However, there was still time to record a couple more episodes of the Exchanges Discourse Podcast with authors on our recent ‘lonely nerds’ special issue. It is safe to say, as with my previous one with Alena, these were two highly enjoyable and content rich conversations with two delightfully gracious researchers. Honestly, I think we could have spoken for almost double the time if I’d not been keeping an eye on the clock.

So you can of course listen to the episode for yourself, and look forward to the next one which is already ‘in the can’ and will be heading your way hopefully in the very near future too. And after that – it’s all hands on deck for the publication of issue 10.1 of Exchanges at the end of the month. October, it’s never been a quiet month!

Listen to the episode here:

In this episode we talk to Sharon Coleclough (Senior Lecturer, Culture, Heritage and Society, Staffordshire University, UK) about her research and publications; focussing on her Exchanges article So Many Ways to be an Outsider: ‘Nerdism’ and ethnicity as signifiers of otherness which appeared in our recent Lonely Nerdsspecial issue. We talk about her research into representation, and her exciting progress into new avenues of publication and research. The episode touches on advice for postgraduate and early career researchers in terms of establishing your personal brand, researching your passions and how to accept feedback on your writing more effectively.

For all past episodes of the podcast, you can find a complete listing on this page.

September 27, 2022

In Conversation with Alena Cicholewski

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And we're pleased to announce the release of our next podcast episode, chatting with another of our past authors about their work, publications and advice on publishing. Access the episode here

Listen to the episode here:

For all past episodes of the podcast, you can find a complete listing on this page.

I'll be recording more author interviews over the next few weeks, so keep an ear open for those too.

June 22, 2022

Podcast: Chatting with–nTQ–jmy8VDd

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And we’re back with the second of our two recently recorded episodes of the Exchanges Discourse podcast. This time I’m in conversation with Francesca Brunetti, currently based at the ISI Florence, Italy but shortly moving to an exciting new post. Listen to the episode here:

> In Conversation with Francesca Brunetti

This episode we talk to scholar, artist and past-Exchanges author, Francesca Brunetti (ISI Florence, Italy), about her paper Delicious Bodies, Beautiful Food, Powerful Pleasure, which appeared in the most recent issue of the Exchanges journal (V9.2). Along the way we touch on desire and pleasure, food and sex, and cultural perceptions of the southern Italian women. We also talk about some of Francesca’s work in progress, alongside her advice for new authors too.

The Exchanges Discoursepodcast is available on, Spotifyand most major podcast platforms.

My thanks to Francesca for coming on and talking with us. Obviously, if you’d like to be featured in a future episode, well the best way to do that is to be a featured author in Exchanges. Find out here how to submit your paper to us!

June 14, 2022

Podcast: Talking with Jon Braddy

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Yes, we're back with an all-new episode of the Exchanges Discourse podcast. It's been a bust few months thanks to bank holidays, the launch of the new issue and working on various special issue projects. Which has meant the podcast took a slightly back-seat for a couple of months. But the good news is, we're back and with a couple of author interviews to start us off again. Hopefully, there's a few more interesting episodes to follow - especially once we launch our next special issue of the journal. More on that in the coming month.

In the meantime, please enjoy my conversation with Jon about everything from the weather, through developing your writing with passion and the idea that publishing CAN and should be fun without diminishing the scholarship.

In Conversation with Jon Braddy (S03E06)

We talk with Jon Braddy, Florida Gulf Coast University, about his paper Utilizing the Octothorpe (#): Schizoanalytic cartographies recognized in War Games, which appeared in the most recent issue of the Exchanges journal (V9.2). Along the way, aside from contrasting the trans-Atlantic weather differences, we look at passion how it can serve to evolve your own academic voice within your writing. We also discuss some areas of mutual challenges for authors and editors of scholarly journals, and reflect on the value and process of peer-review.

The Exchanges Discourse podcast is available on, Spotify and most major podcast platforms.

Our next episode was recorded this morning, so listen out for it next week.

March 25, 2022

New Episode: What Do I Get Out of Publishing with Exchanges?

Follow-up to What Do I Get Out of Publishing With Exchanges? Some thoughts and ideas from Exchanges Reflections: Interdisciplinary Editor Insights

Following on from my blog post a few weeks ago, I've rolled out a new episode of our Exchanges Discoursepodcast dedicated to that perennial and titular question from authors. If your eyes blurred slightly trying to read through my earlier post, this is easily the most digestible way you can hear about some of the highlights of the journal.

Of course, if you really want to know what authors get out from publishing with us - listen to the earlier episodes and you'll hear all sorts of different points of view, direct from the source! While I've tried to represent them as much as possible in this episode, naturally they'll probably sound much better coming from our authentic author community!

Past Exchanges Discourse episodes are available wherever good podcasts are hosted - search for it by name!

February 24, 2022

In Conversation with Monica Mastrantonio

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In the second of our new episodes of the Exchanges Discourse this month, I have another lengthy chat. This time I'm talking with our past author Prof Monica Mastrantonio, from the University of York.

In this episode I chat with visiting professor in English and Related Literature at the University of York, Monica Mastrantonio. Our initial conversation concerns her recent article in Exchanges, The Question of Time for Norbert Elias: Challenges of an interdisciplinary concept and approach towards time. As a result we discuss topics including the meaning of ‘figurational sociology’, the work of Norbert Elias and in particular how this allows us to better understand our own relationships with time. Contrasting the medieval experience with the present, Monica discusses how humanity increasingly utilises time as a framework for organising everything including the forging of interpersonal connections. We touch too on the concepts of ‘meaningful time’ and the value of diverse relationships. Moving on, our discussions move to explore Monica’s research and current publication plans, before we shift to examining some of her broader experiences in publishing. In particular, Monica shares her thoughts and advice for first time and early career authors.

This was an exciting conversation, not simply because it was our first professor on the series (!), but also because it was recorded on the same day as our previous episode - and there were some wonderful resonances between the two authors' insights. If you haven't listened yet to that episode, you might want to, after of course enjoying this all new one!

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