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October 02, 2024

New Episode: Being an Effective Academic Citizen

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Our second new episode takes a lengthy look at the changing field of academic publishing and how it relates to post-graduate researcher training.

I sat down to talk with Dr Jonathan Vickery (School of Arts, Warwick) a couple of weeks ago in the School’s custom podcast recording studio for a chat. Jonathan is more than one of our recent Exchanges authors, in that he is also editor of the Journal of Law, Social Justice and Global Development – one our fellow Warwick based titles. As a result we were able to have quite a lengthy chat around the themes of his paper - Critical Reflections on Universities, Publishing, and the Early Career Experience. The paper itself was born from a pair of IAS panel workshops I chaired earlier in 2024, at which Jonathan was one of my gracious panel members.

Without wanting to spoil anything ahead of listeners experiencing this episode, I think it is fair to say that we touched on a variety of very interesting and highly relevant areas for post-graduate researchers and indeed anyone involved in their development. We considered the technologically-driven evolution of academic publishing, and Jonathan in particular feels we’re either on the cusp or in the middle of a genuine phase change not seen since the introduction of movable type. Touching on ideas of knowledge economy, academic enterprise and collaboration vs competition in the academy though, there’s plenty of food for thought throughout the episode. For my own part it was fantastic to use the recording equipment – and I’ll note my particular thanks here to the technical staff who got it set up for us. It was even more of a pleasure though to have unfettered access to a scholar like Jonathan to talk about a topic very close to my own heart.

Hopefully we’ll be brining you a few more episodes shortly – although I suspect they might not run quite so long as this discussion. But then again, you never know!

May 08, 2024

New Episode: In Conversation with Simona Di Martino

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After a break the first in a new series of Exchanges podcast episodes goes live.

It’s been a while since our last episode – mainly because I’ve been focussed in supporting our numerous special issues and editors over this time, and also because we’ve been awaiting a new issue of the journal. Now that’s out, I’ve been chatting informally with a few of the authors about coming onto the podcast to talk about their lives, research and publications – so hopefully a few more episodes are on their way.

Before that though, I was delighted to be approached by one of the IAS’ associate fellows to talk about a conference she was recently involved in hosting. While for once this isn’t directly related to any publications or issues of Exchanges, I think you’ll find there’s a strong resonance with a number of the projects we’ve got underway for future special issues.

Listen in here (or on most major podcast platforms):

Voices of Transnational Girlhood(s) on Identity, Gender, and Culture: In Conversation with Simona Di Martino [22:23]

This episode we talk with Associate Fellow Simona Di Martino (⁠@SimoDiMa1⁠) about the ⁠recent conference event⁠ she organised at Warwick which tackled questions of girlhood, transnationalism, identify, gender and culture. We talk about the challenges and delights of hosting such an event, and Simona reflects on the emergent themes and key messages discussed by the participants. Girlhood is, Simona argues, a neglected area of study, making an event such as this not just a crucial forum for current scholars, but a way to energise and enthuse the next generation of researchers in the topic.

Podcasts of the conference talks will be coming soon on the conference site.

January 16, 2024

New Episode: Biochar, Artificial Pollination & Multispecies Justice

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A new year sees a new season of the Exchanges Discourse podcast launch

It hasn’t even been a month since our last episode went live, and here we are back again with more academic chat. This time our first episode of 2024 sees a return of an old friend of the journal and podcast, as geography academic Catherine Price (University of Nottingham, UK) talks about her contributions to Exchanges. Regular readers of this blog and Exchanges will recall Catherine’s not only been on the podcast before, but was our key collaborator on the Anthropocene and More-Than-Human Special issue which we published last March. She’s such a busy scholar that it’s taken us until January to find time when we could both sit down for this chat!

Listen in here:

In the episode the start by talking about Catherine’s conversation article with Sophie Chao entitled Multispecies, More-Than-Human, Nonhuman, Other-Than-Human: Reimagining idioms of animacy in an age of planetary unmaking. Incidentally, this paper was one of our most downloaded ones of 2023, and has even recently been republished in the Spanish language. If you’ve not read it yet, why not listen to Catherine’s over view of the debates it covers.

Moving on from this we then turn to Catherine’s other paper in that issue which was concerned with the question Do we need Artificial Pollination if we have Multispecies Justice in the Anthropocene? You’ll notice I manage to slide in a Black Mirror reference here – and if you know the series, you’ll know exactly which episode I’m talking about! We also take a moment to reflect back on the reception for Anthropocene and More-Than-Human-World special issue of Exchanges from last March, which was very warmly received by readers. Naturally we also talk about Catherine’s future work and, as always, close with some pointers and advice for would-be academic authors.

For more on publishing with Exchanges, see our ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠online guide for authors⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Or to read Catherine’s articles, visit:

To help you navigate the episode – here’s the index card for when we get to each part of the discussion:

  • Timecode
  • 0:00 Opening
  • 0:47 Introductions
  • 5:19 Multispecies Paper
  • 11:30 Artificial Pollinators Paper
  • 15:15 Special Issue Reception
  • 17:40 Future Research
  • 18:55 Advice for Authors
  • 24:28 Closing & Outro

December 20, 2023

Exploring the Queerness as Strength Call for Papers

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One last podcast for 2023 looks at our exciting new special issue call

There’s always room for one more – podcast episode that is! Bringing 2023 to a close I am pleased to say we have a fabulous conversation to share with you between the highly energised Jacob Thomas (Monash University, Australia) and myself. Jacob’s our newest Editorial Board member, but they are also the special issue lead for our Queerness as Strength future issue which we announced a week or so ago. At the time I promised you a behind the scenes look at the issue – and here it is! Listen in to our conversations here:

So, in this episode we talk about Jacob’s life, work and passions and how these have informed their proposed special issue call. As such we explore the ideas and hopes behind the call, along with considering some of the areas of discussion and insight we hope to see coming from contributors. Naturally, Jacob and myself both of us expected to be surprised, challenged and delighted by the variety of topics authors will be choosing to tackle.

We talk too about our concerns in making sure how members of the ‘global majority’ and other marginalised voices can find a place in our pages – ideally aiding in rebalancing some of the prevailing global north narratives or experiences. Our conversation also touches on how the issue resonates with Exchanges mission to bring forth and celebrate emerging debate, discussion and insights, in a thrilling way.

Naturally, the episode includes some guidance on how to get involved with the call and submit your expressions of interest by the deadline. You could of course just read the call for expressions of interest via the link below, but I think you’ll find it comes to life far more when you read in and listen to the podcast too!

To skip to the most relevant part of the episode – here’s an index to our discussions.


  • 0:00 Opening
  • 0:50 Introductions
  • 3:38 Exploring the Call
  • 4:55 Inspirations & Origins
  • 8:05 Alignment with Exchanges’ Mission
  • 11:47 Globality & Representation
  • 14:45 Why Submit to this Issue?
  • 17:58 Authentic Lives & Experiences
  • 22:17 Practicalities & Deadlines
  • 26:06 Closing & Outro

For more on publishing with Exchanges generally, see our ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠online guide for authors⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

And I’ll see you all back here tomorrow for an end of year wrap up post – bring games and snacks, it’s the last working day of 2023!

December 14, 2023

New Episode: Conceptual Association, Advertising & Hydropathy

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The third podcast from Exchanges 10th birthday issue gets into the water cure and historical advertising

Today I’m bringing you the third in our series of 10th birthday issue celebration conversations over on the Exchanges Discourse podcast. This episode sees me in conversation with linguist, cultural historian and conceptual association scholar Constance de Silva (School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University, Australia) about her recent paper and ongoing research. We had a few technical challenges so the recording is considerably shorter than Constance and my actual full conversation – although you still get well over 20 minutes of considered content! [1]

Listen in here:

In the episode we begin by discussing Constance’s beautifully illustrated article The Rise of Conceptual Association and Linguistic Register as Advertiser Persuasive Instruments: An Australian study of press artefacts 1800s–1950s, which was in Vol 11.1 of Exchanges. There’s a lot to say and we touching along the way on elements [2] from the rise of the water cure (hydropathy) to emerging new concepts and meanings within advertising and every day language. Constance also graciously provides some related insights from her work into the changing roles and perceptions of women in medicine too. As always, the conversation moves along to discuss her ongoing publishing activities and plans for future papers, before we close with a range of advice for fellow authors on getting published.

To help you skip around the episode – here’s guide to our discussions:


  • 0:00 Opening
  • 0:51 Introductions & Context
  • 3.34 Exploring the Article
  • 13:06 New Words, New Meanings
  • 15:44 Hydropathy, Women & Future Papers
  • 18:52 Publishing Advice
  • 22:30 Closing & Outro

This isn’t the last podcast for the year – surprisingly – as I recorded one earlier this week, which I hope to bring you before the Exchanges HQ closes for Christmas next week. I think you’ll find it an exhilarating listen, so stay tuned.

And of course, catch up with every episode of The Exchanges Discourse podcast, via our series index here:



[1] For those keeping score, we actually chatted for about 90 minutes, and got into some really interesting areas of thought and research after we stopped the recording.

[2] No pun intended!

December 05, 2023

New Episode – Sustainability, Batteries & Pringles

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Jean Marshall & Gareth J Johnson

10th birthday celebrations continue with the first in a series of author conversations.

It has been a while, but at last I'm pleased to bring the first in a series of new podcast episodes to your ears. As part of our 10th birthday issue celebrations, I had the pleasure of chatting with Jean Marshall (WMG, University of Warwick) about her recent paper and ongoing research. We start as usual by discussing her paper, Sustainability: Getting Everyone Involved, and especially about the multifactorial issues involved in achieving a greater global sustainability culture.

Listen to the episode here:

As is often the case with the Exchanges Discourse podcast our conversation expands to related topics such as battery technologies, polymer chemistry and recycling of multilayer materials. In case you are wondering, yes, we do talk about the challenges of recycling a Pringles can - a surprisingly complex operation. As always in these episodes, we talk about the author's publication experiences. From manuscripts Jean has under development along with her reflections of being a publishing academic. Finally, as is typical we close with advice for other scholars moving towards their first publications.

Episode Index

  • 0:00 Opening
  • 0:51 Introductions
  • 3:39 Exchanges Paper
  • 6.44 Electric vs Fossil Fuel Vehicles
  • 9:02 Recycling Challenges
  • 13:59 Multilayer Materials
  • 15:22 Publication Plans & Battery Technologies
  • 17:53 Publication Experiences
  • 22:09 Advice for Scholarly Authors
  • 24:25 Closing & Outro

Keep you ears open - as we've two more episodes coming your way very soon!

As always, you can find past episodes on the journal pages:

August 15, 2023

50th Podcast Episode: Across Two Professional Worlds

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Exchanges’ podcast hits its 50th episode with a very special guest.

It is with some measure of joy I can announce that we have released the 50th episode of the Exchanges Discourse podcast. I am pleased that over the past three and a bit years we have grown this offshoot of the journal into a thriving and complimentary collection of scholarship, insight and discussion across our contributing community. When we started out I rather feared a lot of the episodes would be me replicating blog posts as a monologue.

While this was initially true as in the early days there were a few of those kinds of episodes, since then we have increasingly transitioned to featuring conversations with our contributing community about their lives, professional work and insights into the broader academic world.

I had originally been planning a reflective 50th episode, looking back over the past few years of the podcast, but then I got an offer to interview someone on the podcast who hadn’t been an author in the journal – but rather the subject of a past paper. It felt rather serendipitous that this rather unusual guest would therefore occupy the 50th episode focus, and despite a few hiccups in arranging a suitable interview time we finally came into sync recently.

Here's the episode details and link

Across Two Professional Worlds: In Conversation with Intissar Haddiya: [24:34]

For our 50th Episode I’m in conversation with Intissar Haddiya (Professor of Nephrology, Oujda, Morocco) about her twin lives as a practicing scholar and fiction author. Intissar featured as the subject of a recent paper in Exchanges – The Doctor-Writer Experience of Intissar Haddiya – and hence that’s why she’s appearing in discussion with us today. We discuss balancing her professional roles, and how the insights from each help inform her work in the differing sphere. We touch too on her experiences with professional publishing, and the advice she has for other scholars and writers of fiction looking towards their first work.

Given we’re into the summer break season, and then heading into the new academic year, I suspect it’ll be a while before our next episode – so a perfect time to listen to this and catch up on any previous episodes you might have missed!

June 22, 2023

New Episode: Orwell & Modern Political Speech

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Podcast episodes are like buses, all of sudden two come along at once! After our last recent Exchanges Discourse episode, we are pleased to be able to bring you a chat with another of our recent authors. This episode I’m in conversation with past journal author Imogen Birkett. Our conversation is framed around her paper: Literature in Politics: The Appropriation of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four in contemporary British parliamentary debate, which appeared in the most recent (V10.3) of Exchanges.

Taking as its core theme, Imogen’s work around contemporary British parliamentary speech we consider her findings, and the avenues for future work, particularly within the realm of social media. Naturally, as with every episode of the podcast we also touch on words of advice for graduate and early career researchers approaching their first journal articles.

Orwell & Modern Political Speech: In Conversation with Imogen Birkett

Listen in via either of the following links:

For those looking to jump directly to the key points, here are the main episode signposts.

  • 0:00 Opening
  • 1:59 Paper
  • 8:08 Public awareness of Orwellian concepts
  • 10:43 Why Orwellian speech matters
  • 13:26 Developing further research themes
  • 15:16 Orwellian social media discourse
  • 16:48 Advice for authors
  • 20:26 Closing

June 07, 2023

New Episode – Environmental Humanities & Transdisciplinary Research

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Following on from last time, here’s another episode of the Exchanges Discourse in discussion with a past author. This episode I talk with past journal author, Julian Westgate, about the paper he authored entitled Corals, Geo-Sociality, and Anthropocene Dwelling, which appeared in our Anthropocene special issue back in March.

During our chat we discuss the challenges of publishing as a ‘transdisciplinary scholar’ and also Justin’s reflections on conducting fieldwork around the Great Barrier Reef. There’s also an interesting segue looking at his work in the ‘exo’ field, touching on ecologies and life-potential on other worlds too. As always we touch on experiences of publication and publishing, especially with an eye for advice for first time authors and early career scholars.

Listen in here via the following links:

Episode Index

  • 0:00 Opening
  • 0:42 Introduction
  • 4:28 Paper overview
  • 13:34 Other research & work
  • 17:28 Positive publishing experiences
  • 21:21 Publication challenges
  • 24:10 Advice for authors
  • 30:45 Closing

May 24, 2023

New Episode – The Textures of Research: In Conversation with Berilsu Tarcan

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A new podcast episode tackles issues around publishing design and textile based research practice.

With great delight I can reveal we've released the latest episode in our Exchanges discourse podcast series. In this new episode I talk to past journal author Berilsu Tarcan (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), about the paper she co-authored Repositioning Craft and Design in the Anthropocene: Applying a More-Than-Human approach to textiles as part of our recent special issue. We discuss the challenges of publishing design and artefact related research, as well as exploring Berilsu’s current research focus. We close with considerations and advice for authors looking to submit their papers to Exchanges and other academic journals.

Listen in here:[32:36]

For those of you who are pressed for time and would like to skip to the salient portion of the episode - here's a time index to aid your navigation.

Episode Index

  • 00:00: Opening
  • 00:52: Introduction
  • 05:55: Article Perspectives & Insight
  • 14:34: Current Research Activities
  • 19:00: Publication Feedback Experiences
  • 25:00: Article Publication Advice
  • 31:06: Closing Conversations
  • 31:50: Outro

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