November 13, 2024

New Podcast Episodes Focus in on Researcher Development

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It’s a two for one deal as two new episodes consider issues around developing researchers and experiences with peer-reviewers too.

I was rather fortunate to be able to host not one but two guests on recent episodes of the Exchanges Discourse podcast, and even more delighted to discover the episodes rather complimented each other. I would like to pretend this was clever planning, but I don’t think anyone actually would be fooled!

In the first episode I talk with Anna Fancett (Warwick) about her varied and exciting international career, as well as her current work at the University of Warwick where she’s helping to develop postgraduate researchers’ writing skills: a topic close to my editorial heart! Alongside looking into the paper she authored on this topic for our Research Culture special issue, we also consider the lessons which can be drawn from developing effective workshops. Anna also talks about her thoughts on engaging positively with the peer-review process. We touch particularly here on issues of dealing with more negative feedback and of course our own thoughts on how we approaching reviewing ourselves.

In the other episode, out today, I chat to Taryn Bell (Leeds) about her life as an archaeology academic, but mainly about her work with colleagues in Leeds and York in developing researchers. Again, centred around a paper in our Research Culture issue, we exchange thoughts on the tricky matter of offering focused, bespoke workshops suitable for particular career stages, versus the emergent benefits in getting scholars across the board to exchange experiences. We even touch a little on the issue of agism – why, for example, do so many universities seem to assume all PhD students and early career researchers are ‘young’? And does this speak to some concerning biases which we need to challenge in our own thinking and development planning? Similarly to Anna’s episode, we talk about peer-review and getting the most out of it and thankfully uncover some more positive examples along the way.

Both episodes of course contain our signature discussions concerning advice for new authors looking to publish, from experienced authors who’ve known the growing pains themselves.

You can listen to the episodes here:



Or to catch up with all the past episodes of the podcast – and there’ve been a lot lately – visit:

We’ll be taking a short break from new episodes now – but hopefully will have one or two more to round out the year/season in the coming weeks.

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