Exploring the Queerness as Strength Call for Papers
Writing about web page https://exchanges.warwick.ac.uk/index.php/exchanges/podcast
One last podcast for 2023 looks at our exciting new special issue call
There’s always room for one more – podcast episode that is! Bringing 2023 to a close I am pleased to say we have a fabulous conversation to share with you between the highly energised Jacob Thomas (Monash University, Australia) and myself. Jacob’s our newest Editorial Board member, but they are also the special issue lead for our Queerness as Strength future issue which we announced a week or so ago. At the time I promised you a behind the scenes look at the issue – and here it is! Listen in to our conversations here:
- Queerness as Strength: Getting Involved & Contributing [27:12]
- https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/on1PQGPyGFb
So, in this episode we talk about Jacob’s life, work and passions and how these have informed their proposed special issue call. As such we explore the ideas and hopes behind the call, along with considering some of the areas of discussion and insight we hope to see coming from contributors. Naturally, Jacob and myself both of us expected to be surprised, challenged and delighted by the variety of topics authors will be choosing to tackle.
We talk too about our concerns in making sure how members of the ‘global majority’ and other marginalised voices can find a place in our pages – ideally aiding in rebalancing some of the prevailing global north narratives or experiences. Our conversation also touches on how the issue resonates with Exchanges mission to bring forth and celebrate emerging debate, discussion and insights, in a thrilling way.
Naturally, the episode includes some guidance on how to get involved with the call and submit your expressions of interest by the deadline. You could of course just read the call for expressions of interest via the link below, but I think you’ll find it comes to life far more when you read in and listen to the podcast too!
To skip to the most relevant part of the episode – here’s an index to our discussions.
- 0:00 Opening
- 0:50 Introductions
- 3:38 Exploring the Call
- 4:55 Inspirations & Origins
- 8:05 Alignment with Exchanges’ Mission
- 11:47 Globality & Representation
- 14:45 Why Submit to this Issue?
- 17:58 Authentic Lives & Experiences
- 22:17 Practicalities & Deadlines
- 26:06 Closing & Outro
For more on publishing with Exchanges generally, see our online guide for authors.
And I’ll see you all back here tomorrow for an end of year wrap up post – bring games and snacks, it’s the last working day of 2023!
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