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November 28, 2024

New (Guest) Episode: Poetry, Power & the Wind

Writing about web page https://exchanges.warwick.ac.uk/index.php/exchanges/podcast

Ruminations on renewable energy, poetry and the Irish perspective make for an exciting new podcast episode.

A new episode of the Exchanges Discourse is now live, but it’s a little different to our usual ones. You see, this has been produced in association with the MaREI research centre and University College Cork on the theme of ‘Energy Poetry’. Which means Fionn Rogan and Paul Deane take centre stage, along with a special guest, and other than a brief introduction you won’t hear much from me for once.

Listen in here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1yFcuGuwP0kR7z1t86A70O

This is actually the first in a short mini-series of episodes which the MaREI team will be sharing through our platform, so there will be more to come in the months ahead which you will be able to enjoy. This very first episode, entitled Harnessing the Wind, features discussions on and around the poetry of Derek Mahon along with a lengthy interview with Brendan Tuohy (EirGrid) on how poetry informs his work today. Around this there is an informed discussion on energy generation in Ireland, especially as it pertains to wind power, along with considerations of course of its relationship to poetry.

It really is a beautiful, lyrical listen that I’m sure lovers of poetry and scientific/arts collaboration will be fascinated to hear. I certainly enjoyed it on a number of levels, not least because it was the easiest podcast episode in a long time to edit.[1] Incidentally, when Evan Boyle first approached me a few months ago to see if we’d like to showcase their work in this area, I felt the science and arts cross-over felt like a great example of interdisciplinarity. I also perceived it was a good opportunity to collaborate and promote something a little more experimental in Exchanges ‘ ‘publishing’ activities.

Now, that doesn’t mean we’re going to switch away from the journal to be a podcast publisher for a myriad of other people – this is very much a toe in the water, a pilot programme really. Anything more regular than this occasional series would require a re-examination of our priorities and re-tasking of ever-slim staffing resource from other activities. But it does at least feel that there is a viable potential to share spoken word materials alongside the Exchanges brand, within our mission. That, I am pleased to say, seems to validate my decision to work on this collaboration. Naturally, what this means for the future, we shall just have to see in the fullness of time.

In the meanwhile, I hope listeners will agree, this collaboration has more than paid off - it is a glorious episode, well worth your time to listen to. I am certainly looking forward to helping produce and share the next episode(s) in the coming months. Thanks to Evan and the whole team for their hard work in collating this too!



[1] Don’t get me started on my hours long battle with the Spotify for Creators interface which steadfastly refused to make the episode live yesterday. Thankfully, today the system finally worked as it should!

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