All entries for Wednesday 19 July 2023

July 19, 2023

New Editorial Board Members Welcomed

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A new crop of editors has joined our Board.

We are very pleased to announce that three more new Editorial Board members have joined Exchanges. This is as a result of our programme to both continue to bring in new insights to our editorial team, and also to replace some of our long-standing editors who have stood down from the Board in recent months. So, it is a hearty and warm Exchanges welcome to:

  • Dr Bing Lu, Faculty of Arts, University of Warwick, UK
  • Dr Louise Morgan, Centre for the History of Medicine, University of Warwick, UK
  • Dr Ute Oswald, Centre for the History of Medicine, University of Warwick, UK

You can read about all three of these editors, and all our Board members, on our Board Profile page:

These three new editors represent the first time we have directly recruited from Warwick’s Institute of Advanced Study’s early career fellows programme for some years. Given Exchanges longstanding relationship with this community as chief editor I am especially delighted we have strengthened our links here. I am sure Bing, Louise and Ute will have many useful insights and contributions to make over the coming years.

Meanwhile, we are also in the process of recruiting editors from Australia’s Monash University, long time home to our very first international Editorial Board members back in 2017/18. As Monash has become a little less represented on the Board over the past year, I am pleased to have been able to reach out to potential editors over there, through the agency of our mutual International Office colleagues. Hopefully, in a month or two I’ll be able to share more about our next crop of editors!

New Special Issue – Celebrating 50 Years of the Modern Records Centre

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Wouldn’t you know, it’s another special issue announced!

Following hot on the heels of our other special issue project announcement, I am delighted to announce that we have a second new special issue in production. This time we are partnering with the Warwick Modern Records Centre (MRC) as part of their 50th Birthday celebrations, to produce a volume incorporating reflections, insights and narratives inspired around the MRC’s work over the decades. I am especially pleased as the lead collaborator, Pierre Botcherby, is someone I worked closely with on the Then & Now Special Issue a year or so back.

The special issue is going to specifically driven by the papers and speakers who appear at the MRC’s birthday conference (The MRC at 50: Research Informed and Inspired by the Modern Records Centre) this September (20th), and will be primarily critical reflections. The idea being in this way we can more rapidly produce the issue, and share it with the world before too many months have gone by. I am also pleased to note we’ve already recruited three associate editors to work on the issue, and am looking forward to training and working alongside them on the issue.

Naturally, more news on this and the conference over the next month or so, but for now, and just before your EIC heads off on a couple of weeks of leave, it is fantastic to have these two new and exciting projects in the offing!

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