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December 14, 2023

New Episode: Conceptual Association, Advertising & Hydropathy

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The third podcast from Exchanges 10th birthday issue gets into the water cure and historical advertising

Today I’m bringing you the third in our series of 10th birthday issue celebration conversations over on the Exchanges Discourse podcast. This episode sees me in conversation with linguist, cultural historian and conceptual association scholar Constance de Silva (School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University, Australia) about her recent paper and ongoing research. We had a few technical challenges so the recording is considerably shorter than Constance and my actual full conversation – although you still get well over 20 minutes of considered content! [1]

Listen in here:

In the episode we begin by discussing Constance’s beautifully illustrated article The Rise of Conceptual Association and Linguistic Register as Advertiser Persuasive Instruments: An Australian study of press artefacts 1800s–1950s, which was in Vol 11.1 of Exchanges. There’s a lot to say and we touching along the way on elements [2] from the rise of the water cure (hydropathy) to emerging new concepts and meanings within advertising and every day language. Constance also graciously provides some related insights from her work into the changing roles and perceptions of women in medicine too. As always, the conversation moves along to discuss her ongoing publishing activities and plans for future papers, before we close with a range of advice for fellow authors on getting published.

To help you skip around the episode – here’s guide to our discussions:


  • 0:00 Opening
  • 0:51 Introductions & Context
  • 3.34 Exploring the Article
  • 13:06 New Words, New Meanings
  • 15:44 Hydropathy, Women & Future Papers
  • 18:52 Publishing Advice
  • 22:30 Closing & Outro

This isn’t the last podcast for the year – surprisingly – as I recorded one earlier this week, which I hope to bring you before the Exchanges HQ closes for Christmas next week. I think you’ll find it an exhilarating listen, so stay tuned.

And of course, catch up with every episode of The Exchanges Discourse podcast, via our series index here:



[1] For those keeping score, we actually chatted for about 90 minutes, and got into some really interesting areas of thought and research after we stopped the recording.

[2] No pun intended!

August 15, 2023

50th Podcast Episode: Across Two Professional Worlds

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Exchanges’ podcast hits its 50th episode with a very special guest.

It is with some measure of joy I can announce that we have released the 50th episode of the Exchanges Discourse podcast. I am pleased that over the past three and a bit years we have grown this offshoot of the journal into a thriving and complimentary collection of scholarship, insight and discussion across our contributing community. When we started out I rather feared a lot of the episodes would be me replicating blog posts as a monologue.

While this was initially true as in the early days there were a few of those kinds of episodes, since then we have increasingly transitioned to featuring conversations with our contributing community about their lives, professional work and insights into the broader academic world.

I had originally been planning a reflective 50th episode, looking back over the past few years of the podcast, but then I got an offer to interview someone on the podcast who hadn’t been an author in the journal – but rather the subject of a past paper. It felt rather serendipitous that this rather unusual guest would therefore occupy the 50th episode focus, and despite a few hiccups in arranging a suitable interview time we finally came into sync recently.

Here's the episode details and link

Across Two Professional Worlds: In Conversation with Intissar Haddiya: [24:34]

For our 50th Episode I’m in conversation with Intissar Haddiya (Professor of Nephrology, Oujda, Morocco) about her twin lives as a practicing scholar and fiction author. Intissar featured as the subject of a recent paper in Exchanges – The Doctor-Writer Experience of Intissar Haddiya – and hence that’s why she’s appearing in discussion with us today. We discuss balancing her professional roles, and how the insights from each help inform her work in the differing sphere. We touch too on her experiences with professional publishing, and the advice she has for other scholars and writers of fiction looking towards their first work.

Given we’re into the summer break season, and then heading into the new academic year, I suspect it’ll be a while before our next episode – so a perfect time to listen to this and catch up on any previous episodes you might have missed!

June 07, 2023

New Episode – Environmental Humanities & Transdisciplinary Research

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Following on from last time, here’s another episode of the Exchanges Discourse in discussion with a past author. This episode I talk with past journal author, Julian Westgate, about the paper he authored entitled Corals, Geo-Sociality, and Anthropocene Dwelling, which appeared in our Anthropocene special issue back in March.

During our chat we discuss the challenges of publishing as a ‘transdisciplinary scholar’ and also Justin’s reflections on conducting fieldwork around the Great Barrier Reef. There’s also an interesting segue looking at his work in the ‘exo’ field, touching on ecologies and life-potential on other worlds too. As always we touch on experiences of publication and publishing, especially with an eye for advice for first time authors and early career scholars.

Listen in here via the following links:

Episode Index

  • 0:00 Opening
  • 0:42 Introduction
  • 4:28 Paper overview
  • 13:34 Other research & work
  • 17:28 Positive publishing experiences
  • 21:21 Publication challenges
  • 24:10 Advice for authors
  • 30:45 Closing

November 16, 2022

New Episode: In Conversation with Harriet Richmond

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Another author graces the Exchanges' podcast with their thoughts on research and publication.

Once more we present another new episode of The Exchanges Discourse podcast, this time featuring another chat with an author from a recent volume of the journal. In a lengthy, and lively, discussion Harriet and myself explore a range of topics from HE marketisation – always a favourite of mine – through being an outsider and locating oneself within a discipline and into the realm of cultural studies and organisational stories. I find myself saying this about all the author interviews, but its true, that once again it was a very enjoyable and informative conversation.

(Also available on Spotify)

I’ll be recording the next episode tomorrow, once more featuring an author of a recent paper – and I’m looking forward to a similarly illuminatory chat too. Listen out for it!

September 27, 2022

In Conversation with Alena Cicholewski

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And we're pleased to announce the release of our next podcast episode, chatting with another of our past authors about their work, publications and advice on publishing. Access the episode here

Listen to the episode here:

For all past episodes of the podcast, you can find a complete listing on this page.

I'll be recording more author interviews over the next few weeks, so keep an ear open for those too.

August 31, 2022

In Conversation with Natalia Rumak

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After a quiet couple of months over the summer, wherein I’ve been focussing on publishing the journal [1], I am pleased to announce the first in a series of the Exchanges Discourse podcast episodes tied into the recent special issue. Moscow State University’s Natalia Rumak is our first gracious guest to take up my invitation to come and talk a bit about her research, ideas on publishing and to offer advice to other authors.

You can listen to the podcast in full here:

Interestingly, given Natalia’s incredible multi-linguistic scholastic abilities, we get onto a topic I’ve often been asked about: publishing in English when it’s not your native language. Given that Exchanges has a number of non-native English speakers on the team [2], not to mention my own PhD supervisor for that matter, I’ve always seen the great benefit writing in a second – or even third or fourth – language can offer. It can manifest in impeccable grammar, in interesting revelations, and in offering thought deriving from dissimilar cultural traditions producing unexpected insights.

I’m in the process of lining up conversations with another few authors from the issue as I write, so this won’t be the last of our authors you’ll hear from about their research. And meanwhile, behind the scenes of course work on our Autumn issue continues apace – meaning even more potential guests for future episodes to take us through the rest of the year.

Exciting times lie ahead!



[1] Well, it is the core of my employment after all

[2] Especial mention to Marcos Estra who keeps teaching me these wonderous idiomatic Portuguese idioms – albeit translated into English – which I’ve certainly thrown into the odd conversation with…varying results.

February 01, 2022

In Conversation with Elloit Cardozo

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And here's the second new episode of the podcast, with the last of our 2021 recorded sessions with past authors. An interesting discussion as we get into issues around setting up a special issue as well as the usual thoughts around the author's research and publication activities too.

In Conversation with Elloit Cardozo [14m 01s]

In this episode Elloit Cardozo talks about his research activities, especially as they relating to his recent paper ‘The Sagacity of Words’: Gandhi and 21st Century Hip Hop. Elloit discusses how the paper was partly inspired from desires to provide an easier route for younger school and university students to gain a greater understanding of the life and times of Gandhi. While deploying an analytical lens empowered through Hip-Hop music might seem an unusual approach to some readers, Elloit explores how it offered him a fresh and exciting way to explore the topic. Elloit also takes us into his current publishing plans, and how The Big Lebowski factors into them, before finishing by offering advice to other early career researchers looking towards publishing their first paper.

My thanks to Elloit for chatting with me, and please do share this episode with anyone you think might be interested.

I'll be recording two new episodes of the podcast with past authors next week, so there's plenty more audio content coming your way this February!

January 27, 2022

In Conversation with Mehdi Moharami

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Yes, Season 3 of the Exchanges Discourse starts here, with the first of two interviews recorded just before Christmas. In each one we chat to one of our past authors on the journal about their research and publication experiences.

In Conversation with Mehdi Moharami[16m30s]

In the first of our new season of episodes we talk to early career scholar, and recent Exchanges author, Mehdi Moharami (Monash University, Australia) about his research and publishing work. Focusing of the ethnographic piece written for the journal, exploring the lived and cultural experiences of language teachers based in Iran, we move on to examine advice on publishing for other first time authors or early career scholars.

My thanks for Mehdi for joining me in conversation. We'll be back next week with the second of our episodes!

Share and enjoy.

May 13, 2021

New Episode: A Conversation with…Mark Readman

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Once again we have a new episode of The Exchanges Discourse Podcast, celebrating our first anniversary! This time we're talking to Dr Mark Readman about his work and publications. Listen here (and wherever good podcasts are hosted!):

In this episode we talk with Principal Academic in Media Education, Mark Readman, from the Faculty of Media and Communication at Bournemouth University. We talk through Mark’s thoughts on publication as an editor and author, as well as exploring some of his current research and publication plans. Along with advice for first time authors, we also diverge into a brief discussion concerning 1980s UK sitcoms.

March 31, 2021

New Podcast Episode: A Conversation with…Doro Wiese

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Delighted once more we have a new episode of The Exchanges Discourse live for your listening pleasure. This time I'm in conversation with Dr Doro Wiese about her work and publications. Doro’s one of our WIRL-COFUND fellows, based in the IAS and the School of Languages and Culture, and I will confess was an absolute to delight to chat with. I only regret I didn’t keep the recording going, as we talked almost as long once the interview finished about reviewing activities and the foibles therein. Possibly, we’ll need to come back to that in a later episode.

A Conversation with...Doro Wiese

I’m also please to say I’ve got one future guest already signed up for after the Easter break, and a couple of others who are looking to find gaps in their schedules to chat with me on the record. Of course, we also have a new batch of IAS fellows coming along in April, so who knows, we may have some of these bright sparks looking to have a podcast chat as well.

Naturally, while we’ve been a bit ‘Warwick centric’ with the podcast guests, we always welcome approaches from academics near and far to come on the show. Drop me a line if you’d like to talk about your publishing, to an interdisciplinary audience with an interest in early career scholar development.

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