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August 15, 2023

50th Podcast Episode: Across Two Professional Worlds

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Exchanges’ podcast hits its 50th episode with a very special guest.

It is with some measure of joy I can announce that we have released the 50th episode of the Exchanges Discourse podcast. I am pleased that over the past three and a bit years we have grown this offshoot of the journal into a thriving and complimentary collection of scholarship, insight and discussion across our contributing community. When we started out I rather feared a lot of the episodes would be me replicating blog posts as a monologue.

While this was initially true as in the early days there were a few of those kinds of episodes, since then we have increasingly transitioned to featuring conversations with our contributing community about their lives, professional work and insights into the broader academic world.

I had originally been planning a reflective 50th episode, looking back over the past few years of the podcast, but then I got an offer to interview someone on the podcast who hadn’t been an author in the journal – but rather the subject of a past paper. It felt rather serendipitous that this rather unusual guest would therefore occupy the 50th episode focus, and despite a few hiccups in arranging a suitable interview time we finally came into sync recently.

Here's the episode details and link

Across Two Professional Worlds: In Conversation with Intissar Haddiya: [24:34]

For our 50th Episode I’m in conversation with Intissar Haddiya (Professor of Nephrology, Oujda, Morocco) about her twin lives as a practicing scholar and fiction author. Intissar featured as the subject of a recent paper in Exchanges – The Doctor-Writer Experience of Intissar Haddiya – and hence that’s why she’s appearing in discussion with us today. We discuss balancing her professional roles, and how the insights from each help inform her work in the differing sphere. We touch too on her experiences with professional publishing, and the advice she has for other scholars and writers of fiction looking towards their first work.

Given we’re into the summer break season, and then heading into the new academic year, I suspect it’ll be a while before our next episode – so a perfect time to listen to this and catch up on any previous episodes you might have missed!

May 19, 2021

150th Paper Published

Writing about web page

Running some background statistics during a quiet moment today, I was pleased to discover that our most recent issue (Volume 8.3) contained our 150th published article. Quite an achievement for a small, scholar-led journal run using one part-time member of staff and a volunteer workforce of sub and associate editors.

Here's to the next 50 articles, which I hope are winging their way towards us even as I type - certainly there's currently almost 25 articles in some form of preparation or development for future issues, many of which will see publication this year (I hope!). Naturally though, as lead editor I am always keen for more content.

So, if you wanted to write for the journal, either get in touch with me, or simply submit your manuscripts as soon as you think they're ready for consideration. It couldn't be simpler than that - there's no author fees to pay, you get to retain all economic and moral rights over your work and have the pleasure too of supporting a scholar-led publication initiative, dedicated to getting more early career authors into 'print'!

Find out how here:

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