All entries for Wednesday 13 December 2023

December 13, 2023

New Special Issue Call for Participation – Queerness as Strength

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A new call for contributors goes live as we wrap up a busy year for Exchanges

This has probably been the busiest year on record for Exchanges, not least of which being the build up to and celebrations around our 10th anniversary issue. There’s been a lot of work behind the scenes both exploring and reconsidering our future direction and operations, alongside various events, training and lecturing contributions too. And what better way is there to cap off 2023 than with announcing our 10th special issue call for participation!

This time I am thrilled and delighted to announce we’ve partnered with scholars at Monash University, Australia to ask for contributions on the fascinating theme of Queerness as Strength. As we’ve been developing this call, it has become increasingly clear the potential wealth of fascinating research such an issue can bring to the fore. Moreover, this issue will most certainly prove to be both an interdisciplinary one alongside highlighting potentially marginalised elements of research discourse. These, as I am sure you will agree, are two aspects which speak well to Exchanges’ primary missions to enable challenging, interdisciplinary and international discourse.

You can read the details of the call here on our announcement pages:

As we’re doing this as a call for expressions of interest first, followed by invitations to submit, there are a few key dates of which potential authors might want to be aware:

  • · Deadline for expressions of interest: Friday 1st March 2024
  • · Deadline for manuscript submission: Friday 31st May 2024
  • · Anticipated Publication: Sumer 2025 [1]

Unlike some of our recent calls, like Research Culture or the MRC @ 50, this time we’re asking for papers in all our formats – from peer-reviewed articles through to the shorter editorially reviewed critical reflections and the like. This, we hope, offers potential authors the widest scope possible to contribute their thinking.

We are also hoping we will see some strong contributions not only from the global north, but from scholars based in the global majority countries too: something myself and special issue lead Jacob Thomas would strongly encourage. As always both of us are also only too happy to talk over potential submissions ahead of the deadlines if it will help authors shape their work accordingly.

We will have a special episode of the Exchanges Discourse podcast where Jacob and I talk over our hopes and ambitions for the issue coming out next week - so look out for that too!

In the meantime, we look forward to reading your submissions – happy writing!


[1] As with all Exchanges publication dates, this will vary depending on the transit time of both peer-review and authorial revisions. However, this is our current aim, and we will update authors as the editorial work progresses.

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