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June 26, 2024

Exchanges Site Restored

Exchanges was regretfully offline for a short while.

The Exchanges website is currently (7am, Wed 26th June) offline. We have flagged this with Warwick IT who will doubtless be able to resolve it in the near future. In the meantime, thank you for you patience as we deal with this. I'll update this entry periodically as things develop/are resolved.

9:00: Having to spoken with the editors of two other Warwick-based journals, it looks like this issue has impacted on their titles as well.

11:00: While the site is still offline, an IT team has been assigned to work on the issue. We wish them well in their efforts.

13:00: Confirmed the server hosting Exchanges (and other journals) had an overnight problem, and work is ongoing on restoring it and the various sites hosted on it.

27th June

9:00: Unfortunately, it looks like the solution for the problem is taking longer than was first hoped. I hope to have more news to update on the matter soon as the IT team has been working hard on resolving it. Apologies in the meantime for our unanticipated downtime.

11:00: Delighted to announce that the Exchanges site has now been fully restored! Our thanks to all at IDG and the Library involved in this work.

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  • Follow up: Well, that could have been a lot worse – only 11.7% of accounts are 'deceased' or in need… by Gareth Johnson on this entry

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