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All entries for July 2018

July 28, 2018

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 24th and 27th July our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 0 male and 4 female
  • Bean seed flies - 12
  • Pollen beetles - 52
  • Flea beetles - 875
  • Cabbage stem weevil - 6
  • Cabbage seed weevil - 0
  • Cabbage stem flea beetle - 12
  • Large white butterfly - 1

We caught 8 carrot flies on 3 sticky traps in our first sowing of carrots and 7 carrot flies on our traps in the second sowing.

There were 0 diamond-back moths, 4 silver Y moths, no cabbage moths and 4 turnip moths in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 48 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

AHDB Aphid News

The latest edition of AHDB Aphid News has been released - for suction trap captures for the week ending 22nd July.

The peach–potato aphid was recorded from all suction trap sites, with numbers increasing at five, but decreasing towards the south.

The mealy cabbage aphid was recorded from all sites, increasing at six, but decreasing towards the south of the country. The highest number recorded was from York (158).

Currant-lettuce aphids were recorded from three sites, each site recording more than single individuals.

The willow ̶carrot aphid was caught at six ST sites in single figures, with numbers increasing at only Broom’s Barn and Wye.

The pea aphid was recorded from all sites, apart from Hereford, and increased in number at seven, particularly towards the north of Britain. There was a hotspot at Kirton (672).

The black bean aphid was caught at twelve sites, increasing in number at six. The highest number recorded was from Dundee (171).

July 24, 2018

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 19th and 24th July our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 2 male and 10 female
  • Bean seed flies - 31
  • Pollen beetles - 110
  • Flea beetles - 586
  • Cabbage stem weevil - 8
  • Cabbage seed weevil - 0
  • Cabbage stem flea beetle - 23

We caught 11 carrot flies on 3 sticky traps in our carrots.

There were 0 diamond-back moths, 5 silver Y moths, no cabbage moths and 5 turnip moths in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 47 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

July 20, 2018

AHDB Aphid News

The latest edition of AHDB Aphid News - for the week ending 15th July is available.

  • The peach–potato aphid was recorded from all suction trap sites, with numbers increasing at six. The highest number was recorded from Hereford (445).
  • The potato aphid was caught at nine sites, with increasing numbers at eight. Numbers reached double figures at Dundee (32) and Gogarbank (14).
  • The black bean aphid was caught at twelve sites, increasing at eight. The highest number recorded was from Silwood (65).
  • The mealy cabbage aphid was recorded from twelve sites, increasing at six, but decreasing in the South. There was also a hotspot at Hereford (529).
  • Currant-lettuce aphids were recorded from six traps this week across Britain, most of the sites also recorded more than single individuals.
  • The willow ̶carrot aphid was caught at 10 sites in single figures this week, with numbers increasing at six.
  • The pea aphid was recorded from all sites and increased in number at eight. Numbers reached three figures at Writtle (189) and Kirton (131).

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 17th and 19th July our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 3 male and 5 female
  • Bean seed flies - 7
  • Pollen beetles - 143
  • Flea beetles - 170
  • Cabbage stem weevil - 6
  • Cabbage seed weevil - 0
  • Cabbage stem flea beetle - 12

We caught 5 carrot flies on 3 sticky traps in our carrots.

There were 3 diamond-back moths, 4 silver Y moths, no cabbage moths and no turnip moths in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 19 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

July 17, 2018

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 13th and 17th July our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 9 male and 8 female
  • Bean seed flies - 13
  • Pollen beetles - 418
  • Flea beetles - 235
  • Cabbage stem weevil -14
  • Cabbage seed weevil - 0
  • Cabbage stem flea beetle - 37

We caught 5 carrot flies on 3 sticky traps in our carrots.

There were 7 diamond-back moths, 15 silver Y moths, no cabbage moths and no turnip moths in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 20 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

In addition - there has beena very large increase in adult turnip sawfly in brassica crops in south Essex.

July 14, 2018

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 10th and 13th July our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 6 male and 6 female
  • Bean seed flies - 19
  • Pollen beetles - 704
  • Flea beetles - 213
  • Cabbage stem weevil -22
  • Cabbage seed weevil - 1
  • Cabbage stem flea beetle - 58

We caught 4 carrot flies on 2 sticky traps in our carrots.

There were 6 diamond-back moths, 5 silver Y moths, no cabbage moths and 0 turnip moths in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 22 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

AHDB Aphid News

The latest edition of AHDB Aphid News is available.

  • The peach–potato aphid was caught at 13 suction trap sites across Britain this week, with numbers increasing at 12. There was a hotspot at Broom’s Barn (746).
  • The potato aphid was caught at six sites in single figures this bulletin week, increasing in number at four.
  • The black bean aphid was caught at 11 sites this week but increasing in number at only five across Britain.
  • The mealy cabbage aphid was recorded from 11 sites this week and increasing at 10. There was a hotspot at Writtle (839).
  • Single currant-lettuce aphids were recorded from suction traps at Ayr and Hereford this week.
  • The willow ̶carrot aphid was caught at eight sites this week, but with numbers increasing at only four. The highest number found was from Wellesbourne.
  • The pea aphid was recorded from all 14 sites this week and increasing in number at 11. Particularly high numbers were recorded from Wellesbourne, Writtle, Broom’s Barn and Rothamsted.

July 10, 2018

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 6th and 10th July our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 18 male and 20 female
  • Bean seed flies - 19
  • Pollen beetles - 1007
  • Flea beetles - 217
  • Cabbage stem weevil - 44
  • Cabbage seed weevil - 0
  • Cabbage stem flea beetle - 60
  • 1 large white butterfly

We caught 2 carrot flies on 3 sticky traps in our carrots.

There were 11 diamond-back moths, 2 silver Y moths, no cabbage moths and 1 turnip moth in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 34 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

July 06, 2018

AHDB Aphid News

The latest edition of AHDB Aphid News is available.

  • The peach-potato aphid was caught at eleven sites across England this week, with numbers increasing at eight. There was a hotspot at Wellesbourne (134).
  • The potato aphid was caught at five sites in single figures this bulletin week, increasing in number at three.
  • The mealy cabbage aphid was recorded from eleven sites in England this week, increasing at six. The highest number caught was from Writtle (87).
  • A single currant-lettuce aphid was recorded from the ST at Starcross this week.
  • The willow ̶ carrot aphid was caught at twelve sites this week, with numbers increasing at five sites. The highest number found was from Silwood (19).
  • The pea aphid was recorded from twelve sites this week across Britain and increasing in number at nine. The highest number caught was from Rothamsted (48).
  • The black bean aphid was caught at thirteen sites this week and increasing in number at nine across Britain.

July 2018

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