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All entries for May 2018

May 29, 2018

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 25th and 29th May our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 1 male and 1 female
  • Bean seed flies - 4
  • Pollen beetles - 64
  • Flea beetles - 30
  • Cabbage stem weevil - 11
  • Cabbage stem flea beetle - 1

We also checked the carrot fly traps and caught 1 fly on 3 traps in overwintered carrots and 28 flies on 3 traps in spring-sown carrots.

There were 5 diamond-back moths, 1 silver Y moth, no cabbage moths and 3 turnip moths in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 12 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

May 25, 2018

AHDB Aphid News

The latest edition of AHDB Aphid News has been released - for the week ending 20th May.

  • The warm and dry weather conditions has resulted in another substantial increase in the total number of aphids flying this bulletin week.
  • Peach・potato aphids (Myzus persicae) were recorded from Writtle and Starcross but no new arrivals were found. An individual was caught in the FERA yellow water-pan trap network from the Midlands.
  • The first arrival of willow ̶ carrot aphids were recorded from Dundee and Newcastle this bulletin week. All fourteen suction-traps have now recorded this species as well as yellow water traps across several parts of England.
  • The first arrival of potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) was recorded from Silwood this week.
  • First arrival of black bean aphid (Aphis fabae) from the suction-trap network was recorded from Starcross this bulletin week and in yellow water traps from East Anglia.

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 22nd and 25th May our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 7 males and 3 females
  • Bean seed flies - 16
  • Pollen beetles - 11
  • Flea beetles - 2
  • Cabbage stem weevil - 1

We also checked the carrot fly traps and caught 4 flies on 3 traps in overwintered carrots and 128 flies on 3 traps in spring-sown carrots.

There were no diamond-back moths, silver Y moths or cabbage moths in our traps but one turnip moth - the first of the year (2 traps per pest).

There were 9 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

May 22, 2018

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 18th and 22nd May our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 5 males and 1 female
  • Bean seed flies - 6
  • Pollen beetles - 131
  • Flea beetles - 18
  • Cabbage stem weevil - 23
  • Cabbage stem flea beetle - 9

We also checked the carrot fly traps and caught 23 flies on 3 traps in overwintered carrots and 321 flies on 3 traps in spring-sown carrots.

There were no diamond-back moths, silver Y moths, cabbage moths or turnip moths in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 28 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

May 18, 2018

AHDB Aphid News

AHDB Aphid News for the week ending 13th May has just been published.

  • The first arrivals of peach–potato aphids were recorded from five sites, predominantly in the South this week.
  • First arrivals of willow ̶ carrot aphids were recorded from a further five sites this bulletin week. Twelve of the fourteen suction-traps have now recorded this species.
  • The first arrivals of potato aphids were recorded from Newcastle and Kirton.
  • First arrivals of black bean aphid from the suction-trap network were recorded from Broom’s Barn and Wye this bulletin week and in the FERA yellow water-pan trap network from East Anglia.

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 15th and 18th May our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 1 male and 0 females
  • Bean seed flies - 7
  • Pollen beetles - 32
  • Flea beetles - 8
  • Cabbage stem weevil - 8
  • Cabbage seed weevil - 1

We also checked the carrot fly traps and caught 117 flies on 3 traps in overwintered carrots and 200 flies on 3 traps in newly-sown carrots.

There were no diamond-back moths, silver Y moths, cabbage moths or turnip moths in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 5 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

May 15, 2018

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 11th and 15th May our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 11 males and 2 females
  • Bean seed flies - 26
  • Pollen beetles - 133
  • Flea beetles - 21
  • Cabbage stem weevil - 10
  • Cabbage stem flea beetles - 4

We also checked the carrot fly traps and caught 154 flies on 3 traps in overwintered carrots and 215 flies on 3 traps in newly-sown carrots.

There were no diamond-back moths, silver Y moths, cabbage moths or turnip moths in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 20 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

May 11, 2018

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 8th and 11th May our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 30 males and 10 females
  • Bean seed flies - 59
  • Pollen beetles - 29
  • Flea beetles - 2
  • Cabbage seed weevil - 1
  • Cabbage stem flea beetles - 3

We also checked the carrot fly traps and caught 116 flies on 3 traps in overwintered carrots and 51 flies on 3 traps in newly-sown carrots.

There were no diamond-back moths, silver Y moths, cabbage moths or turnip moths in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 12 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

AHDB Aphid News

The latest edition of AHDB Aphid News has been released - for the week ending 6th May.

  • In accordance with the increase in average air temperature, the total number of aphids flying and species diversity has increased substantially this bulletin week.
  • The first peach–potato aphid (Myzus persicae) of the year was found at Rothamsted this week.
  • First arrivals of willow ̶ carrot aphids were recorded from six sites this bulletin week (York, Preston, Kirton, Hereford, Writtle and Silwood).
  • The first arrivals of potato aphids (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) were recorded from Writtle and Starcross.
  • No black bean aphid (Aphis fabae) have been recorded yet this year from any of the suction-traps.

May 08, 2018

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between 4th and 8th May our 3 yellow water traps captured:

  • Cabbage root flies - 60 males and 13 females
  • Bean seed flies - 17
  • Pollen beetles - 181
  • Flea beetles - 23
  • Cabbage stem weevils - 25
  • Cabbage seed weevils - 45
  • Cabbage stem flea beetles - 13

We also checked the carrot fly traps and caught 78 flies on 3 traps.

There was one diamond-back moth and no silver Y moths in our traps (2 traps per pest).

There were 11 cabbage root fly eggs around our 15 brassica plants.

May 2018

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