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All entries for March 2020

March 03, 2020

The importance of X (Theory, Methodology, etc.)

Inspired by the Design for X, I was thinking about how to address the question like:

Critically analyse the importance of X in a context. X could be a theory, a methodology or something else.

1. look at the broader context/challenge/area for which the theory was development in order to know WHY and HOW it was generated.

2. Industrial examples: also discuss the key aspects of WHY and HOW

(The more that you can illustrate the points that you make with examples, the more you bring your topic to life.)

To whom is it important?




Where not?

When not?

Success: what must have been done and why (CSF)

Failure: why the theory failed in that particular case

What were the factors affecting the success or failure and How they vary with various context.

3. Overall limitation about the theory

To whom it is not important?




4. Any extension or evolution of this theory and Evaluation (Why do you think it is useful or not)

5. Any complementary theories that may be usefulTo whom is it important?

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