Book review entries

January 10, 2020

Think about my Thinking

Book front cover
GRASP The Solution: How to find the best answers to everyday challenges
4 out of 5 stars

I am far more thrilled to learn this Model from Paul today because it sovles my root cause of procrastination.

I told him that I feel difficult to start my writing work until I got a killer idea. But the thing is there are always two people fighting in my mind when I was generating and organising my thoughts at an early stage, because I try to critically think and judge my ideas at that moment, which is definitely WRONG!

Let's how it goes.


December 26, 2019

Writing could be fun & Powerful

Book front cover
Writing your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day
Not rated

Recently I am reading a book Writing your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day that is quite informative and inspiring, which is borrowed from my tutor Paul before Christmas(seems to be a wonderful Christmas gift).

Usually I spend fifteen minutes reading before hitting the pillow and use some sticky notes to jot down and tab any points that insterests me. To be honest, I am not a big fan of writing because I've got little positive feedback or recognition of my writing work since primary school. Writing tasks have always been hard for me so that I am struggling to meet the deadline with procrastination. But I am fed up with this situation and I have made up my mind to learn writing from scratch so as not to burn my candle at both ends for a dissertation.

It is much easier for me to express my thoughts verbally rather than writing a formal, well-written and well-articulated passage. However, I was quite schocked when the author showed that writing is a process of improving one's thinking, inquiring the questions, and getting closer to the truth of a subjet because I thought it is just an interpretion of my research result. In the same vein, Jordan B Peterson has emphsised the power of writing as a powerful weapon to help people to think critically, make great presentations and lay out proposals, which could be one's deadly wand.

I am working on find my own process that works best for me.

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