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All entries for Monday 21 October 2019

October 21, 2019

Facial Paralysis Awareness Workshop

I just attended a Seminar on Facial Paralysis this afternoon and it contributes to raising my awareness of Facial Paralysis and to reducing negative biases towards people with facial paralysis.

I mean, I feel sooooo lucky after this workshop just because I can express myself freely by eye contact, speech, smiling or any other expressions. Sadly, there is a group of people suffering from Facial palsy or Moebius Syndrome fails to control their facial muscles as they want. I know there is little I could do for their treatment or cures, but at least now I might feel less uncomfortable when I communicate or interact with people with FP, just be more patient and ask them if I feel difficult to understand them. It's really difficult for people to socialise without any facial movement. I cannot imagine really what gonna happen if I am not allowed to smile for the whole day. Do cherish what you have now and make the most of it. Smile as much as you can!

None of us is perfect, and we all have a weakness. Some of them are visible whilst some not. Don't feel sorry but it's good to show empathy and understanding.

Plus, I was quite surprised by the buffet Lunch and the expense I was paid by attending this Seminar. Also, I'm glad to meet new friends Olivia and Florin there.

I will say it's an informative and worthwhile experience.

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