Gender and development conference: a call for papers
The International Development Postgraduate Conference 2017 has put out a call for papers for this summer's conference with the topic 'Changing the Landscapes of Gender Inequality: Theories, Policies and Mobilisations'. The conference will examine why gender matters in development and how change occurs. Some of the questions that will be explored include:
What do NGOs, development agencies and institutions do or not do to ensure gender equality in their change work?
How can theoretical interventions help us rethink approaches to change?
What is the role of the academic community in terms of the role of change?
The key note address will be given by Professor Una Chakravarti, who is a feminist historian, film maker and human rights activist. The conference takes place on 15 June 2017 in the University of Warwick and the deadline for proposals is 3 March 2017. More information can be found here:
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