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All entries for May 2011

May 16, 2011

Dell's Delivery Reputation Sub–sub–sub–contracted Out

My Dell Delivery Saga finally ended when Patrick at the Milton Keynes head office of UK Mail upgraded the delivery to a before 10-30 am service and it did indeed arrive at 10-25 am.

Even this outcome would not have been possible had I not Googled Walsh Western’s BPO code to be UK Mail. See my WWI will not communicate post.

Talking to the UK Mail staff at their Birmingham hub I discovered that the final delivery was passed on to self-employed drivers.

So Dell’s delivery chain was:

  1. syncreon AKA Walsh Western International.
    Who got it from Poland to Birmingham via Hinckley (actually closer to Coventry).
  2. UK Mail. A Bulk Business logistics specialist with too few hubs
    for easy customer pick-up.
  3. Self-employed drivers.
The driver who failed twice either has no pride, was completely incompetent or had no real business incentive to deliver. See log, below.
Walsh Western International Tracking History

My address have not changed since the house was built in 1970 and Dell’s chain has delivered here 3 times before. Well at least posted the card!

I do wonder out of the £20 delivery charge how the split goes;
1. For WWI for the international transport and import?
2. For UK Mail?
3. For the self-employed driver?
If this was a fixed fee arrangement then, in these days of very high UK diesel prices,
I can imagine that the address that is the greatest distance from the locus
of delivery points could cause the driver to be significantly out-of-pocket.

I can only speculate about why a driver can have a valuable consignment on his vehicle for 20 hours, 2 complete days, and fail to deliver?

My contract was with Dell and the purchasing expert who negotiated their delivery chain may have saved cash but at what cost to their reputation?

Dell use UPS in North America. I would pay more to have UPS’s basic service, they have found my house and delivered every time but would prefer to be able to book my slot.

Dell should stop driving service to the cheapest possible and start to offer delivery up-sell options.

May 04, 2011

Walsh Western, AKA syncreon, Delivery Problems. WWI will not communicate.

I am waiting for the third day for delivery of my new Dell workstation.
Today I am only under ‘house arrest’ till 10-30am at the latest because UK Mail, the local leg delivery company have agreed to upgrade to this courier service.

This was only achieved because I Googled Walsh Western delivery problems though “Walsh Western” itself only throws up complaints. I then added the tracking reference BPO to the search to reveal that it was UK Mail.

syncreon / Walsh Western International emailed:

Your Dell Order is scheduled to arrive between 08:00 and 18:00 on the 28/04/2011. Please arrange for someone to be there throughout this time – as we cannot be more specific about the time of delivery. As your order is already on its way we regret it’s too late to change the following details:
1. delivery date
2. delivery address
3. order details

They did not give the name or phone number of UK Mail.

They refused to give this information to Stephanos, my Dell Account Manager, bless him.

When you talk to WWI or syncreon they are friendly enough and do try to find out what is going on but this all takes time on their 0871 premium number. UK Mail numbers are all 0845 local rate.

Now the tracking history below shows that WWI’s agent failed to find my address twice. Following Walsh Western’s formal process I would not yet have seen the dreaded card on the doorstep should I have lapsed in my ‘vigil at the WWI doorbell shrine’. I could not have communicated to the depot after 5pm, when WWI / syncreon knock off, a full hour before I could stand down.

My enforced ‘house arrest’ has now totalled 22 hours and keeping to WWI’s processes I could have had to wait 30 hours just to meet or find out who was to deliver my Dell!

When the courier boys prove they can find my address, like dozens of others, I will post on the real scandal at the end of Dell’s Supply Chain,
their sub-sub-sub-contract self-employed drivers. I will leave this untill tomorrow when I may calmed down some more.

Walsh Western International Tracking History

Dell Build within 12 hours then Walsh Western & UK Mail Fail to Deliver

Dell WorkstationI am waiting at the start of a third day for delivery of my new Dell computer.
Today I should only have to wait in till 10:30am instead of 8am to 6pm the previous days.

It all started so well and this post is all about the good things that Dell did.

I ordered my Xeon, complex build, workstation, with loads of professional software on Good Friday. I came home to find an email detailing a couple of component problems. One I did not understand so I called Dell’s man back on Saturday morning, got clarification and approved the minor changes.

This kicked off the system formally and I got a delivery estimate of the 7th of June or sooner. OK, always under-promise and deliver sooner, good policy. Even if it took that long I can plan for the switch-over.

By Tuesday the 26th April I get a call from Dell promising delivery ‘this week’ and by lunchtime syncreon, AKA Walsh Western, confirmed a “planned delivery on the 28th April”.

The online tracking confirmed that the computer was shipped at 10pm on Easter Saturday, from Lodz in Poland.

So I reorganised my diary, my life and my wife’s travel timetable to be at home to welcome my new Dell. To quote Diana Ross & The Supremes, “I’m still waiting”.

The constant problems with Dell’s delivery chain stems from the success of some buyer who has driven their costs as low as possible. Now I have paid Dell £20 plus VAT for shipping. Having been let down by WWI 3 times before I would willingly pay extra for AM or PM booked delivery slots with a better company.

I have been kind in this post but Dell’s delivery chain drags their name into the mud. My mate’s Apple account manager got his dual processor beast delivered to him in Switzerland for no extra cost!

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