Walsh Western, AKA syncreon, Delivery Problems. WWI will not communicate.
I am waiting for the third day for delivery of my new Dell workstation.
Today I am only under ‘house arrest’ till 10-30am at the latest because UK Mail, the local leg delivery company have agreed to upgrade to this courier service.
This was only achieved because I Googled Walsh Western delivery problems though “Walsh Western” itself only throws up complaints. I then added the tracking reference BPO to the search to reveal that it was UK Mail.
syncreon / Walsh Western International emailed:
Your Dell Order is scheduled to arrive between 08:00 and 18:00 on the 28/04/2011. Please arrange for someone to be there throughout this time – as we cannot be more specific about the time of delivery. As your order is already on its way we regret it’s too late to change the following details:
1. delivery date
2. delivery address
3. order details
They did not give the name or phone number of UK Mail.
They refused to give this information to Stephanos, my Dell Account Manager, bless him.
When you talk to WWI or syncreon they are friendly enough and do try to find out what is going on but this all takes time on their 0871 premium number. UK Mail numbers are all 0845 local rate.
Now the tracking history below shows that WWI’s agent failed to find my address twice. Following Walsh Western’s formal process I would not yet have seen the dreaded card on the doorstep should I have lapsed in my ‘vigil at the WWI doorbell shrine’. I could not have communicated to the depot after 5pm, when WWI / syncreon knock off, a full hour before I could stand down.
My enforced ‘house arrest’ has now totalled 22 hours and keeping to WWI’s processes I could have had to wait 30 hours just to meet or find out who was to deliver my Dell!
When the courier boys prove they can find my address, like dozens of others, I will post on the real scandal at the end of Dell’s Supply Chain,
their sub-sub-sub-contract self-employed drivers. I will leave this untill tomorrow when I may calmed down some more.
juicy watches
that is a pity
08 Jul 2011, 10:17
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