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October 31, 2018

Changing your Identity

A pretty quick entry for Halloween, that comes up pretty often - if you're accessing several remote machines with `ssh`, how can you have custom "identities", i.e. custom key pairs? There's a few reasons to do this, including history (already set up some keys for different remotes on two different machines) and security (perhaps one set of keys needs to be longer (more bits), or have a better passphrase).

SSH key pairs

First up, what are SSH keys? SSH (secure shell) is a way of getting a command prompt or terminal on a remote machine, such that all communication between the machine you're sat at and the remote is encrypted, and can't be spied on. This uses Public Keycryptography. What this means, is that on your local machine, you have some private key that you keep safe. You give out the public key to any remotes you want to access. With the public half, they cannot pretend to be you, but can verify that you are you. If they use the public half to encrypt some data, it can only be decrypted using the private key you hold.

You generate these key pairs with a command like `ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096` which then gives the option of using a custom name for the pair, and adding a passphrase. In general you should always use a secure but memorable passphrase. This is an extra layer of security - even if the private key somehow escapes you, it still cannot be used with out obtaining or cracking this phrase.

Custom Pairs in SSH

Lets assume, for whatever reasons, you have created several named key pairs. Perhaps you need a longer key pair for an extra-secure system, but don't want to have to update every single remote machine you may use, or perhaps some system has asked you to change your keys. Alternately, you may have generated new keys on some other machine, but want to add them as an extra set without overwriting what you already have. Regardless of how or why, you have a key pair called something that is NOT id_rsa, and want to use this to access some system.

The simplest way to do this, and it is really simple, is to use the `-i` or "identity" flag to ssh. You run something like `ssh -i ~/.ssh/custom_rsa username@hostname` where custom_rsa is the private key you wish to use. You can use exactly the same idea to transfer files using scp, which just passed the given filename on to ssh.

Custom keys with ssh-agent

A simpler, but less efficient option is to simply add all the keys you ever use to the ssh-agent on a linux/osx machine, and ssh will try each in turn. This is great if you have one or two, but gets to be a pain if you have many. ssh-agent can be a bit fiddly, and is perhaps overkill for this simpletask, but for more details see here.

Custom Identities with config

If, as well as custom keys you also have a lot of different usernames to deal with (for instance, an SCRTP username, a Github username etc), it can be helpful to set up an ssh config file (~/.ssh/config). This lets you define usernames, Authentication type (password, key etc) and identities for multiple remote machines. It's also handy to create shortcut names, if for instance, you have a very long or complex named remote you access often.

Doing this is really easy in general. Just create a file, "config" in the (hidden) ".ssh" directory. For each machine you want to use, add an entry that looks like

Host shortcutName
  HostName actualNameOrIP
  User userName
  PreferredAuthentications {"publickey" and/or "password"}
  IdentityFile pathToPrivateKey

The Host line is essential, all the rest can be omitted if you don't want them. For instance, I have a section like

Host homeserver
  User me
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_server

to use a special key when I use my home server. This uses a web service to link some name to the actual IP address, hence the ddns hostname. I could then ssh to that by doing just `ssh homeserver` and it'll use the given hostname, username, and identity file. The Hostname line can also contain an IP address which is also very useful and saves you having to remember it. E.g.

Host docserver
  User me

so that I don't have to always remember the IP.

Custom Identities with Programs wrapping SSH

Finally, several programs use SSH behind the scenes, and you might want these to use a custom identity. For example, git can access a server using SSH, and I have a custom identity which I use for github. I use a config entry where the "host" is if I push to a github remote repo it will identify that it is using this host and use the corresponding config entry. Or I could use ssh-agent.

There is one more option with things like git, which is to override their actual SSH command. This needs a tiny bit of caution, but is very useful. For git, you simply set the environment variable `GIT_SSH_COMMAND` to be `ssh -i path/to/private/key`. This is useful for custom identities, although perhaps not as good as the other options.

But while we're here, I'll mention when this is very very useful - when you're having key trouble. You can set the GIT_SSH_COMMAND to `ssh -vv` to get verbose ssh output, which is very useful for debugging.

Other programs may have their own analogue - usually an enviroment variable or config option. See their docs for details.

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