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February 06, 2020

Customer Requirement Elicitation

For any NPD project, the primary topic is the voice of customers, so how to capture the customer requirement?

According to the Kano Model, there are three categories in the customer requirements.

1. something customers didn't say which are the basic quality of a product. For example, a car must have wheels.

2. customer said exactly what they want but it is not enough to meet just what they said. Nothing more, nothing less, well why not choose another supplier?

3. something customer don't even know but when they see the product, they would be amazed.

kano model

There are two common mistakes within organisations:

1. The raw data from customers are only blocked in a certain departments, but all the other teams, even the product managers can only be shared with the processed data that are intepreted by the sales people. It is similar like the game Chinese whisper, does the information you shared are the things customers want or that YOU think customers might want.

2. The NPD process is a journey with cross-functional team that every one shold have right say some thing to the development of the product. In the most cases, people may think well they have no idea about customers or products at all which is absolutely a bias. Any team work should be free from Ego.

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