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All entries for September 2019

September 25, 2019

Hello World

I'm Lulu.

I've always dreamed of owning a place where I can dump thoughts easily, just like a tree hole.

Now I'd like to get out of my comfort zone and make it public.

I wanna listen to and find out what people say and think, which makes the world colourful.

This is my second day on the campus. Everything is new to me and there're so many places to expolre.

Unfortunately, I suffered from the hypoglycemia this morning due to the jet lag, empty stomach, and exhaustion...Things get worse after a cup of cold milk, I flet limp and throw up. I have to lie on the bed so that I've missed some events on my timetable.

Rather, my first day here is much better.

People are really helpful and kind to give me a hand with two heavy suitcases. I give them hand shakes to express my appreciation. One of the boys said " wow,you got a really strong hand shake." Hahaha, thank Rich to teach me about this manner, really helpful.

See ya. Time for bed.

September 2019

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  • Hi Lulu, I learned again from your blog with thorough conclusion, may I know that why it's difficult… by on this entry
  • After the reflection on this, I am not afraid to be the person with different views, and the thing I… by Lulu Qu on this entry

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