November 19, 2019


After searching and reading piles of papers for the PMA the other days, my eyes still hurts. The font of some are just ridiculous, making it too hard to read. It enables me to realise that how important a typeface could be. Helvetica is generated in 1957, yet now it is still everywhere, “like air, like gravity.” If you ask me what is classic? Just like Helvetica. I have been learning and practicing Chinese calligraphy for years. When I was in primary school, it was just a burden for me since it took up much time from cartoons or radio games. But then, I really appreciate those who have a nice handwriting so I just pick it up again. When it comes signature, I used to quite proud my signature that I designed for myself when I was in junior high. However, now I think it is not readable at all, I had better redesign it based on Helvetica. Good night~

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