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All entries for Saturday 02 November 2019

November 02, 2019

6 Hrs.

I am happy that I braved the drizzle this morning and attended the Personality Type workshop. I really love the tutor's smile.

As getting older, I have a preference to learn something about psychology as a human being. I've been introduced the Enneagram of Personality a few years ago, but for the MBTI I probably know little. There are four dimensions: Extraversion & Introversion, Sensing & Intuition, Thinking & Feeling, Judging & Perceiving. After the self-assessment, my type is INTP, 85% I think. Also, I might be more effective to communicate with individuals with different personality types.

Another thing I am quite proud of myself is that I made a comprehensive Mind map about Writing PMAs. During the past two weeks, I've attended nearly 10 workshops on Academic Writing, Critical Thinking, etc. So I spent the whole afternoon synthesizing and evaluating the information from our tutors, ReMe team, Warwick study skills team to pull my thoughts together. What's more, I find out that leaving my phone at room is the best way to immerse myself into studying or working.

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