All 2 entries tagged Omeka

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October 06, 2016

Blog or News roll on Omeka

Writing about web page

Having not found anything on Omeka sites that looks like it gives us what this project wants 'out of the box', here is a recipe using available materials. We're looking for a Blog-like setup or News feed with the following features:

  • entries ordered by date on a listing page
  • pull a feed of 'teasers' through to other pages
  • enable embedding tweets

The solution looks like:

  • Created two new Item Types. One called 'News', which has just one box 'Text' in the Item Type Metadata. The other is 'Tweet' which has 'Embed Code'.
  • Create a Collection called 'News and Events' to hold all entries whether tweet or news item
  • Use shortcodes to pull a feed ordered by date [items num=5 collection=5 sort="Dublin Core,Date" order=d] which works well, but the display isn't quite there, so some manipulation is needed. A little plugin coding later and we have a new template-able shortcode [itemspartial template=teaser num=5 collection=5 sort="Dublin Core,Date" order=d]
  • To add an entry do the following:
  • Create new item
  • If you want a title, enter it in the DC Title field
  • Fill in the description if you want to customise the way the post appears in the teaser text
  • Scroll down to Date, and enter today's date
  • Add to the 'News and Events' Collection
  • Tick the 'public' button if you want to publish right away
  • Change to the Item Type tab and select 'News' or 'Tweet' from this list
  • Change to the Files tab to add a photo or other media
  • Add the content for this specific type
  • Save your entry and check it has come out right

The shortcode plugin is here:

See this implemented in the wild at

April 29, 2016

Virtual Projection Box Launched

Writing about web page

Screenshot from the Virtual Projection Box

This digital initiative supports the Projection Project that has recently been well covered by the BBC Radio 4's The Film Programme on Sunday 24th April 2016 (16:20-23:19) and 'The Projectionists' – Richard Nicholson’s photographs from inside the projection box.

It has been the desire of the project team from the outset that the rich oral histories that the project has collected are accessible to the public. To make the experience of accessing these clips both engaging and more contextual and educational – the idea of the ‘Virtual Projection Box’ was conceived.

Visitors to this online exhibit are presented with a number of full-screen views of these cramped spaces. Through zooming and panning the detail of the images can be explored, as well as content revealed through hotspots on items on the screen.

The Academic Technology team provided the academic team with a platform (Omeka with Neatline), some templates and an introduction session. The content and journeys of the interactive resource have been authored with these building-blocks. As the first exhibits were produced, user interaction improvements and tweaks were made to the underlying platform by the academic technologists.

Take a look around, and comment if you find the clip about falling through the roof midway through a screening.

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  • Thanks for this short blog by Dave on this entry

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