All 5 entries tagged Cycle Thefts

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November 16, 2009

Free Bike Registration

Writing about web page

Resident PC Mick Parkes will be registering bikes for free on Monday 16 November between 12:30 – 14:00.

You can find PC Parkes out by Bike Racks at entrance to Bio Sci building. He will register your bike for free (normally this service costs £11.95) which will help protect your bike from theft. Campus Security as well as the local Police station will hold details of your bike.

Many bikes stolen on campus do get found by Campus Security or the local Police, but it is sometimes impossible to identify the owner. If your bike does get stolen then by registering it with PC Parkes you have a much better opportunity of it being reunited with you should it be recovered.

January 20, 2009


OK bit personal this ‘cause today my precious nearly new MTB went walkabout :(

Sooooo after calls to campus security, local police and a chat with the new campus beat officer…

!WARNING! there is currently a serious threat of bike theft on campus with more than 20 bikes gone already this (calendar) year!!!

...of course had I known about such stats this morning my MTB would have been sat IN my office rather than locked up outside the main entrance to Medical School Building, Gibbet Hill Campus…

...however I DID NOT know about the stats :( and now the MTB has gone :(

DON’T get caught out!

November 15, 2006

Police Warn of Bike Thefts

Writing about web page

In the first five weeks of term, 12 bikes have been stolen from locations around the campus and police are warning people to be sensible over how and where they store their bikes.

I don’t know how this compares to stats for previous years (although there was a post on this blog in May 2005 )

Police here appear to be giving out the same old standard advice but do mention

the thieves have broken locks to take the bikes away

Does this mean braking D locks?

October 12, 2005

Bicycle Tagging in Birmingham

This is an email I received via Cycle-ise West Midlands – don't know if the offers apply to only Birmingham students or all – but just in case anyone is up that way…...

On the 12th (Wednesday this week), 19th and 26th Oct plus the 2nd Nov between 10am
and 4pm there will be cycle related activity going on in the Staff
House courtyard and foyer. You may recall that last June the Company of Cyclists
brought their road show to campus. Well they are coming back to do a
similar activity. So we will have a range of different bicycles, folding bikes,
trikes and recumbent cycles to try out. Plus information sheets to
browse or take away. Advice on cycle purchase and cycling in general will be
available both at the stand and (if I can sort out the display boards in
time!) in the Staff House foyer. There will be Doctor bike sessions as previously so
you can get minor adjustments carried out on your bike as well as
getting some advice on maintaining your cycle.

The Police crime reduction bus will be on hand to do cycle post-coding. There is NO
CHARGE for the post-coding which is based on an acid-etching process
(I haven't seen this in operation but I presume it is like what Autoglass does on
car windows) so you will need to bring your cycle along.

As part of the efforts to reduce the unflattering losses of cycles from the campus,
the University and the Police are subsidising the sale of cycle locks
at this event. This is aimed primarily at STUDENTS (undergrad and postgrad) who
will need to produce their student ID card to qualify for the Sold Secure
Bronze Standard D lock for £5. Staff are not excluded from the purchase but will
need to produce their bike AND their ID card. This is designed to try
to ensure that the locks really are being used to protect bikes that are being
brought onto the Campus (rather than as a cheap lock for your child's bike
at home). Around 50 or 60 locks will be available at this price on each of the 4
dates so it is a case of first there, first served and only ONE lock per
person at the subsidised rate.

Also available for sale at the event will be a small number of high visibility
waistcoats at the first event. It is hoped that the sale of these will
fund the purchase of another batch for sale the following week and so on for the 4
weeks. The Police team will be responsible for selling these jackets.

The Company of Cyclists are hoping to bring some cycle lights for sale (front and
back we hope) so if you or a coleague/student you know has bought a new
bike recently, they should come along and kit themselves out to be safe, secure and

Travelwise, CrimeStoppers and other security product manufacturers will be in Staff
House during the 4 week period (although not every week – so you'll
just have to wander past each week to see what is going on!).

Please spread the word about this event to your students and cycling colleagues.
There are posters being put up around the campus to advertise the event
(but we missed the Buzz deadlines so the information is not going to appear there).

May 16, 2005


Over the past couple of weeks, I've heard that there have been some thefts from the bike sheds outside the maths department. Today, I had my speedometer stolen and an attempt at my mirror, which has prompted me to wonder about the security of the bike sheds.

How would it be possible to campaign for more secure bike sheds in campus. Would the university be willing to fix a CCTV cameras where bikes are locked up?

As it stands at the moment, next year, when I live on campus, my bike will be left in my room even though this is against "campus regulations".

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