November 15, 2006

Police Warn of Bike Thefts

Writing about web page

In the first five weeks of term, 12 bikes have been stolen from locations around the campus and police are warning people to be sensible over how and where they store their bikes.

I don’t know how this compares to stats for previous years (although there was a post on this blog in May 2005 )

Police here appear to be giving out the same old standard advice but do mention

the thieves have broken locks to take the bikes away

Does this mean braking D locks?

- 3 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Judging by the rest of the piece I’d say so.
    I spoke to the university’s environmental officer yesterday. He too had his bicycle stolen recently. Someone else I know had his saddle pinched the other week.
    The university speaks a lot of hot air about the environment, but when it comes to practical ways of helping their staff & customers cut their contribution to emissions, nothing much happens. £50,000 is supposed to have been allocated to buy secure cycle lockers on campus, but whether that’s just going to disappear in the University’s bureaucracy is another matter.

    University’s secure parking

    Secure parking at Rugby railway station

    15 Nov 2006, 10:30

  2. Helen Barratt

    As the author of the article by the police, I’ll answer a couple of questions.

    Thefts on campus are slightly higher than the same period last year, though when you do consider how many bikes are brought onto campus it is only a small percentage (still too high for anyone’s liking though).

    With regards the locks, I can’t confirm for sure, but from memory the locks broken have been chain locks although I do also remember that some unsuccessful attempts have been made on D locks.

    The university’s provision of safe areas to store bikes is crucial here and we are working with security to advise them and help them tackle the problem.

    I do wish that we could provide some better crime reduction advice, but as with everything there is only so much a person can do to deter a potential thief. Taking reasonable steps is all we can expect of anyone, and so we simply find ourselves repeating the same messages which those who are conscientious already know, but which for some people might just act as a memory jogger to stop them being complacent.

    If you do have any concerns about particular areas of the campus with regards parking your bike, please let us know as we are working with security and will highlight your concerns from a police point of view. My email address is Please feel free to contact me.

    15 Nov 2006, 13:57

  3. Some tips from the Cambridge Cycling Campaign

    17 Nov 2006, 18:04

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