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August 14, 2018

Have you done your holiday homework? – Maeva Grand–Coureau–Basfresne

You are about to start the wonderful journey of becoming an Initial Teacher Trainee… but have you done your holiday homework?

I can see you… Sunbathing on the beach of a town with a GMT+10 hours, sunglasses on your nose… maybe an ice cream in your hands… when suddenly… Your phone starts to crazily vibrate on the clear white sand and interrupts the holiday romance. Well – maybe for the best.

Your course is soon about to start… …How much do you score on the 10 tasks holiday homework?

  1. Received and read your “Unconditional Offer” email from PG4
  2. Completed the course pre reading from our pre course webpage
  3. Filled in the placement form (University led trainees only)
  4. Completed online enrolment
  5. Received and read the welcome email and the induction week schedule (don’t forget to check your junk folder)
  6. Got yourself technically prepared for the course, remember you require access to a laptop
  7. Completed a trial run of your journey onto campus including knowing parking arrangements if you’re in a car (please check here)
  8. Located your photographic ID required on your first day at university
  9. Located your Visa - If you are an international student you need to bring this with you too
  10. Downloaded the MyWarwick app

Remember… The countdown has started, and the Secondary cohort and the Primary & Early Years School Direct Cohort will start on the 28th of August whilst Primary, Early Years University-Led and EYITT will start on the 3rd of September… Not long to go now!

We are excited to meet you and hope that you feel confident to start the course!

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