All entries for Monday 18 May 2020

May 18, 2020

Digifest 2020 part three – Abigail Ball

Where they have been made available, the slides for the various sessions are on the link below:

Exploring digital wellbeing

Alicja Shah and Heather Price from JISC ran a workshop introducing JISC’s new definition of digital wellbeing. They got workshop participants to create digital wellbeing trees looking at the challenges organisations face in this area and what the possible solutions to those challenges might be.

Practical approaches to building the digital capability of staff and students

Lisa Gray (JISC), Elizabeth Newell (University of Nottingham) and James Kieft (Activate Learning) discussed their practical experiences of building the digital capability of their students and staff. They outlined the approaches they’ve taken and identified benefits, lessons learnt and next steps. All of these presentations centred around using the JISC Discovery Tool.

Supporting student wellbeing through our virtual learning platform

Kim Blanchard and Faz Masters both from Activate Learning introduced how they have used their VLE to support their learners on their journey at the college. They explained how they have developed key dimensions of core wellness for their students:

  • Occupational
  • Physical
  • Intellectual
  • Emotional
  • Social
  • Spiritual
  • Environmental
  • Financial

And how students can gain badges for the different topics.

Making a learning environment accessible to everyone

In this session Alan Crawford a Microsoft Learning consultant, discussed how to make content accessible in Windows 10. Points discussed included:

  • The mobile accessibility deadline on 23rd June 2021
  • Using building blocks for coding
  • Using the translator functionality – which literally translates word for word (not into meaningful phrases)
  • Eye control/narrator
  • Dictate
  • PowerPoint Designer
  • Accessibility checker
  • Office accessible templates on the web
  • Accessibility Insights on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge
  • Automated transcripts from videos (not as accurate as you would hope)
  • Immersive reading in Office 365
  • Wellbeing in My Analytics
  • PowerPoint Coach
  • Accessibility Insights 10
  • The importance of using meaningful display names in hyperlinks

The closing keynote was cancelled.

*These notes are my own personal reflections and have not been endorsed by JISC or the individuals who presented the sessions.

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