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All entries for Sunday 17 April 2016

April 17, 2016

challenge of mobile ERP

The ubiquity of the smartphone might lead the ERP system to a new application. In some aspects, companies are willing to applicate the new technology. For example, it is benefit for companies if personnel are willing to provide their technology for business things.

However, some challenges appear for IT people. the main concerns are security and two main compatibility. It is difficult to control personal devices and prevent the devices form hight risks way of personal usage habit. in addition, two compatibility environment, iSO and Adroid, and variations of Android from all the phone manufacturers make mobile ERP more complex. How to cope with the new version of operating system and how to update without interfering business work are issues for the IT people.

The application of moblie ERP still have many restrictions at this time. However, the technology of moblie ERP application is gradually matured and the barriers to use mobile ERP is reducing. It is possible that the usage of mobile ERP will increase faster than expectation.

Bo-Hsiang Chang

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