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June 05, 2019


Today we had a seminar day at our last module KBAM. We discussed on a very interesting topic related to intellectual property in the organization and the training. I think the intellectual property sharing should not be a major issue for me particularly when I talk about the development of the whole sector as a whole. I think the role of a leader in knowledge management shouldbe related to protecting the knowledge base in an organization in such a way that the organizational knowledge is not lost even if the people leave the organization. There were certain points raised where there was a genuine concern that said that all kinds of knowledge must not be shared with everyone in the organization. I do not agree to it. If we do not share the knowledge with everyone then the people feel that they are not part of the system which will reduce motivation and remove the foundation of knowledge based organization. My responsibility will be to make one system work by retaining and reusing the knowledge. Sharing knowledge with everyone does not mean that eberyone will be an expert in the organization. It just means that making right knowledge available at the right places in the organization to work without obstacles. The Hoshin Kanri was a very useful approach in depicting how the major objectives can be made available at the shop floor level. Make the knowledge available to shop floor in such a way that they understand and contribute to the overall organizational goal. One very important point that I learnt from Paul's experience in military was about the increment that you get with the skills training. The organizations are always in doubt about the employees and their loyalty after they are provided with the training and education. There is always a fear that they will leave. But an increment and added responsibility after their training is always a good idea to retain them. To convert tacit knowledge into the organized knowledge, annual group appraisals and the interviews can always be a good idea. It gives us just a sufficient contact with the employees to know what they feel about the organization.

I have been researching a bit about measuring the benefits of knowledge management. It is difficult to measure the quantifiable benefits. some of the points in seminars that I found interesting were employee attitude surveys were a good way of measuring and indicating the benefits of the KM. One we can define the expected outcome and the current situation, then we can easily see the benefits of KM in the organization. This can be done with making forecasts and seeing whether our outcome was similar to forecast. Then we can improve on the new factor due to which the original result was not similar to the forecast. this will help us to add to the knowledge base and if outcome is same as the forecast then we can see the benefit of the knowledge management. The same way we can work on the repeated mistakes in the organization if we keep a record of it. KM is a stepping stone for creating a learning organization. There was a lot of self-learning in this module. Tomorrow we have the presentation. I am eager to see the 5 year plan and learn from my mistakes, as it si something that I have to do in my dissertation as well.

June 02, 2019


It has been couple of days since I have been researching on the knowledge management in an organization. The basic idea that I always get is to improve the organizational capabilities. Improving the knowledge management system will lead to improved capabilities. It is very important to have a system where there is enough craetion of knowledge. The basic start for this in the unorganized SME can be to chart the process flow. The understanding of the whole process in an organization can lead to understanding of process loopholes. The brainstorming will lead to sharing and creating of knowledge about the process. The market research, customer and supplier feedback mechanisms create various forms of knowledge within an organization. Although the major challenge will be to create a system that helps to share and retain the knowledge within an organization. One way is to encourage sharing through workshops and sessions and visual boards. It thus becomes necessary to standardize the processes so that the processes oberve only the common cause variations. In that case documentation of the information and knowledge by one system operator could be used by the next operator. There has to be a way to extract the tacit knowledge from the individuals. This can be done through scrum meetings, departmental meetings, team meetings. Especially in a high labour turnover environment, a standarized process to record personal knowledge and experience is very necessary. This will lead to retention of knowledge within an organization.

talking about the competitiveness, it is necessary to move away from the rigid corporate structures. The SMEs need to start working like agile startups. The cross functional teams and the interdepartmental communication can lead to this. This is what system thinking teaches us. One very important aspect of this is to make knowledge accessible to every person in the organization more important the right person at the right time. I feel that establishing the right process is very necessary. The culture, process, leadership and organizational structures can be one of the most important competitive advantage factors for an organization. They can facilitate knowledge sharing.

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  • Good post Saurabh. I agree that sustainable success in any field cannot be achieved through a quick … by Paul Roberts on this entry
  • Thank you for your thoughts Paul. Critically analysing the point, most of the business have short te… by Saurabh Kukreja on this entry
  • Lots of thoughts here Saurabh. Picking up on your last point, perhaps the starting point is to consi… by Paul Roberts on this entry

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