January 13, 2019


Leadership is all about people, so are businesses. Hence, leadership becomes so important in a business context. The next week is going to be really interesting. There are a lot of things that can be learnt about leadership. The main challenge that I see for myself is to apply leadership effectly in the business. Although I have been at various leadership positions earlier but there is always something that you can learn about. The current theme I have in my mind is to learn to apply leadership in various forms. The question is ," How leadership can be applied to fill the gap between doing the right thing and fulfilling people's expectations?" Sometimes you might a face a situation where people prefer to be in their comfort zone and don't realize the importance of doing things differently. The role of leader is to influence them. But it is easier said than done. Leadership when applied in the right way can put in a stepping stone for various organisation implementations. It plays a role in creating a continuous improvement culture, implementation of six sigma programmes and deployment of human resource strategies. It plays a role in every sphere. I hope to answer the question in the coming days of the leadership module. It is going to be exciting. The important thing is reflecting back everyday, that's how you learn. Hoping to write a blog by the end of the module and atleast developing a process by which I will find an answer to my question. That's something I have learnt, isn't it? The process is always important. Not to worry about the results.

The last week was pretty interesting, there were certain things discussed in the class that triggered a lot of thoughts. Always the concern for me is to drive a revolution in the industry where people have low levels of awareness. It can be tough to introduce changes without people understanding them and getting them on-board. Interesting point is about the intrinsic motivation. How to get people motivated to do the job without any monetary factors. One way is to take the money off the table. That is a point to consider. But it is something that I need to do regularly to keep up with the cyclical inflation changes. Should not be a major problem.

The term that I like particularly , I read about it a few days ago, it is "Revolutionary Leadership". What does it mean? I cannot answer it on a general basis but I can think of how it can be applied in my scenario. We were having a discussion in the class about the Maslow's Hierarchy. The bottom three parts of the hierarchy are Psychological, Safety and Belonging needs. Paul asked me this question, "Do you think that the workers in your organisation have these three needs fulfilled?" My answer was straight no. This is what revolutionary leadership can do for me. Satisfy all these three needs of people part of my organisation. Fulfill their esteem needs. Make them feel they are respected. Then I can bring intrinsic motivation into picture. That will be a start of a journey to make a contionuously improving organisation. Again the stimulator is leadership.

There was one another learning in this study week module for me. I have always observed researches backing up their arguments with facts and research. it gives credibility to your views. Particular experience was when I was trying to make a point and it was backed up by a research outcome by Paul. I couldn't convince everyone just on the basis of my view. After the fact the argument seemed to be more strong. This is something that I have learnt as a WMG Research student. Waiting for an exciting week ahead . Hoping to reflect and learn.

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  • Good post Saurabh. I agree that sustainable success in any field cannot be achieved through a quick … by Paul Roberts on this entry
  • Thank you for your thoughts Paul. Critically analysing the point, most of the business have short te… by Saurabh Kukreja on this entry
  • Lots of thoughts here Saurabh. Picking up on your last point, perhaps the starting point is to consi… by Paul Roberts on this entry

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