All entries for December 2018

December 10, 2018


I have been thinking a lot about the growth of the Indian Unorganised Manufacturing Sector (IUMS), specefically the unorganised industries that I am concerned with. Every module helps me to restructure my approach and add something new to the strategic growth story of the IUMS.This is a point that I came across earlier as well, India has limited International brands. This is a point of concern. It might be possible that the local industries just focus on fulfilling the needs of the existing local market and have not really thought about going global. It might be possible that the quality requirements of the international market are quiet high and it becomes difficult to for the local firms to maintain such quality. But on the other hand , India does manufacture for the international brands which means that we surely have the capability and the competitive advantage to do so.

Last week I attended the personal Branding Masterclass session. Although, it was from the point of view of one single person but it made a lot of sense from the organisational point of view. Organisations need to develop their own brands in order to recruit the right people and also to differentiate from the rest. It can be a combination of product brands (Adidas) and organisational brands (Alibaba). The organisational values lie at the very vore of developing a brand. Hence, it is the first thing that needs to be done by the IUMS. When an organisation develops its values, then it has a specefied path that it needs to follow. All the future decisions can be based on this specefied template. Such a strategy is important for the IUMS to grow and develop further. These brands are intangible but there are various tools and techniques which can be applied to develop a tangible proposition. Branding Canvas is a very relevant tool that can be used by the organisations.

 Branding Canvas

I used this tool to try and develop my organisational's values which will further help me to create a brand positioning. Other methods and techniques such as organisational behaviour and communication can be used to define the brand image.

After looking at the issue of branding , further I realized that that my organisation is not taking the steps to recruit the right talent. The organisation needs to understand its mission and vision in order to get the right people. The organisation needs to develop a culture at the very start so that it can be carried forward. Google has a culture to recruit innovative and diverse people as it aligns with their organisational purpose. Here are a few challenges that can be faced by the IUMS, such as , motivating individuals ; coping up with change ; creating a sense of purpose with increased diversity. These are the areas that should be considered to foster growth for the organisations and industry as a whole. While studying OPP, a lot of questions came in my mind regarding the extrinsic motivation. There were fishes given in the class to motivate the class to perform better. Actually this system demotivated me. The thought of being marked on every action restricted the creative ability. But this is my opinion. Some people do feel motivated by such rewards. While running an organisation it becomes necessary to balance both the things. Yes we talk about intrinsic motivation in MBE, but people need money, that is the fact at the end of the day. I feel it is necessary to have a good combination of both the rewards. Pay the employees an amount which drives money out of the table. The reward and recognition system should never create a negative environment within the organisation. The workforce environment in my industry is not great. We have illiterate workforce where not such focus is paid on the intellectual resource of the employees. In such a scenario it becomes necessary to design the right human resource strategy. All other strategies can never be useful if the employees are not aligned with the organisational goals, which is the current scenario.

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  • Good post Saurabh. I agree that sustainable success in any field cannot be achieved through a quick … by Paul Roberts on this entry
  • Thank you for your thoughts Paul. Critically analysing the point, most of the business have short te… by Saurabh Kukreja on this entry
  • Lots of thoughts here Saurabh. Picking up on your last point, perhaps the starting point is to consi… by Paul Roberts on this entry

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