All entries for Tuesday 30 April 2019

April 30, 2019


The presentation went well on Monday. I was surprised that no questions were raised on the use of Multi Criteria decision making tool. But after a bit of analysis I realized that the use of tool was relevant. Even a SMART tool could have been used in that area. Actually when I gave the weights to the criteria, I made sure that the numbering of the weights on different criteria was very close to each other. This provided justification of removal of bias in the final decision due to one criteria. But one thing is very sure that I need to learn to apply these tools in the practical scenario and only then will I learn to use them. Another very important lesson from yesterday was that of GROUP THINK in decision making. I think I do that very often. I always wait for other people's responses in order to judge my response and only then i tend to make a decision. I think it is very important for me to take an unbiased decision first of all and then try to justify the fact. I have observed people taking their decisions and then expressing their strong opinion and keep on giving the facts. I feel sometimes I feel too lazy to debate on the fact until and unless i feel it is really important. I think I need to push myself a bit more in taking decisions that I am confused about and backing them with facts. One of the biggest things that I feel is that I am too flexible with options and feel that all are right which tend me to confusion in decision making. It is not good for a leader. Not able to decide where to eat and what to wear actually make a mental rotine which cause confusion in major decision making. I feel that me being too flexile also contributes to that.

Today we did a lot about the role of emotions in decision-making. Emotions cannot be excluded from a decision making process. The best response is to control them and make sure that they do not have a negative effect on the whole process. The whole motivation theory responds on the basis emotion. If a person likes something and has positive emotion to do that thing that there are more chances of that person being motivated to actually do that thing. Therefore, the emotions guide the motivation. Actually the emotion regulation strategies should be used in order to change the emotions and not let them effect us negatively. Paul always discusses in the class the effect of creating the right environment. This right environment in the workplace will create the right emotions in the people of firm. This effect of the right environment and right emotion has a poitive impact on increased motivation.

There has been a lot of debate on the System 1 and the System 2 thinking. I feel that most of the times I overthink and that make very less decisions based on just feelings. I think there is a requirement of the right balance between the two to make the decisions. On the organisational level I would prefer to use the System 2 thinking. It is more logical. System 1 should be used more in daily decisions. One good thing that I learnt is that we should never regret. Regret leads to dwelling in the past but actually it is learning which is more constructive. The simulation today on the emotional intelligence was also very good. The one point that struck me was on fearing conflict. I think I do sometimes fear conflicts but today I learnt a very new approach towards it. Actually conflict leads to graeter bonds, and this kind of conflict is very constructive in making the right decisions in the group. There are again a lot to take from this module as well. Excited about the learning of new tools tomorrow.

April 2019

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  • Good post Saurabh. I agree that sustainable success in any field cannot be achieved through a quick … by Paul Roberts on this entry
  • Thank you for your thoughts Paul. Critically analysing the point, most of the business have short te… by Saurabh Kukreja on this entry
  • Lots of thoughts here Saurabh. Picking up on your last point, perhaps the starting point is to consi… by Paul Roberts on this entry

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