All entries for Saturday 23 March 2019

March 23, 2019


Managing change is a very complex process. There are some important things that I learnt during the module. During change, people will be confused and would ask questions and suggest their own solutions. If you have a strong vision and finding it difficult to convince people to follow what is necessary for change, then the first thing that needs to be done is that we have to stop convincing them. Be critical and ask them the questions that you think are necessary for change. The overall approach to this process should be to find a solution to the problem, not suggesting your own solutions to the problem. If you are not able to answer questions about the reasons for change it means that the manager is not clear about why he wants to change the organisation. There might be different reasons for change in the SSIs. It might be linked to increasing the efficiency, managing the expectations of customers, Job enrichment or improving the job security of each person (making predictable sales, sales forecasting). Force field Analysis is another important tool that can be used in the process. Strategy is always about where we are and where we want to be? It is important to know the current scenario so that the changes can be made. There are several questions that need to be asked in order to drive it. What and Who needs to change? In order to encourage them to change it is important to buy them into the organisational vision. Appreciation of the future state of the organisations acts as a catalyst to change.

People's emotions are always at the forefront and cause hinderance for a leader. When you ask people to give up their traditional ways of working they start to resist it. It is necessary to keep in mind the change curve and be prepared for the emotions such as Anger, Depression, resistance. It is necessary to not take these things personally and guide the workforce through the whole emotional journey to instill a positive mindset. Continuous Improvement is a mindset that every employee in the organisation should follow. The reflective exercises will help to start the culture in the organisation.

Setting the organisational culture is important as a foundation. Things just build up on that. As people, who have operated in a traditional structure, the concept of changing the whole culture demands big changes. To build a resilient organisation, I need to develop a deeply rooted values and vision as a whole. The analogy of linking organisation with martial arts is very interesting. Just like a fighter you need to have strong base (deeply rooted values) and be agile in your response (believing in quick failures and learning from mistakes and standing up). Always looking into the opponents eyes (scanning the external environment) and making a counter strategy for the next move. Predictability is an important term that I came across. How predictable is the supply chain, sales, production capacitity, leadership, employee turn over. I would rate all of them low in the current scenario. The unpredictability makes the task of making change even more tough. It is a feature of the unorganised industries. Once I have predictable systems into actions, I can start calculating stable cycle time, give sales forecast. knowing procurement needs.

It is very imporatnt for me to start understanding what people are thinking. To manage change it is necessary to ask them the question of "why are they thinking what they are thinking?" Challenge their idea and generate solutions. As a traditional organisation, it is necessary to give the workforce the skills to change and transform themselves. This is how the change process will transform from the shop floor.

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  • Good post Saurabh. I agree that sustainable success in any field cannot be achieved through a quick … by Paul Roberts on this entry
  • Thank you for your thoughts Paul. Critically analysing the point, most of the business have short te… by Saurabh Kukreja on this entry
  • Lots of thoughts here Saurabh. Picking up on your last point, perhaps the starting point is to consi… by Paul Roberts on this entry

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