All entries for Monday 03 June 2019

June 03, 2019


It is the firstI th day of the module week of KBAM.It is my last module at WMG. The course MBE was really good. It helped me learn a lot. I will miss the learning environment in the classroom and the discussions that we had with Paul. The very interesting thing about this module is 40 hours of self-learning. It is sometimes hard to digest this fact of autonomous learning. But I feel this is the reality of life. With this last module we are trained to submerse ourself with the real world. This presentation was a bit challenging. There are a lot of things that I need to consider. KBAM is such a wide concept and it is really difficult to extract the information out from such a source. It was really challenging. Tomorrow we will be focussing on the last leg of presentation, the preparation of the growth plan. The main point should be to present a plan showing benefits of each action and quick wins. This is the art of the possible. The main challenge will be to convince people about the benefits of knowledge managemnet as it is hard to measure its worth in absolute terms. It will be my first attempt to make the plan and will be interesting to learn from other teams as well. It is necessary to learn from mistakes. We have tries to make a practical implementation plan this time trying to avoid the mistake commited in hoshin kanri. Apart from this we learnt about respecting the individual an dtheir job in the organization which sets the basis of excellence.In the current industry, I feel that the employees are not trained, they do not know what is expected from them in the job and there are no standards in the job. Therefore in order to standardize the jobs it is necessary to standardize the processes. Excited to see what lies ahead.

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  • Good post Saurabh. I agree that sustainable success in any field cannot be achieved through a quick … by Paul Roberts on this entry
  • Thank you for your thoughts Paul. Critically analysing the point, most of the business have short te… by Saurabh Kukreja on this entry
  • Lots of thoughts here Saurabh. Picking up on your last point, perhaps the starting point is to consi… by Paul Roberts on this entry

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