April 26, 2019

Friday 26th April

It’s that time again, Easter Holiday Scheme has come to an end!

While it’s always sad when the end arrives, we still made sure we all had a fantastic last day. Our visitor today was Jim, an artist and puppet maker. He worked with all of the children showing them how to make bird puppets out of paper plates and egg-head puppets out of card. There were some amazing creations as the children let their imaginations run wild.

We also had some outside time today where the children took the jumbo chalks outside to make colourful pictures and messages on the floor. We all managed to finish our pictures before the rain came. The pavement has never looked so colourful!

We managed to get our usual dose of outside games in today as well with some great dodgeball skills and lots of exciting parachute games.

So the fun is over for this Holiday Scheme, but don’t forget that the Holiday Scheme returns in the May half-term and there are still spaces remaining if you would like to book onto it.

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