All entries for Wednesday 24 April 2019

April 24, 2019

Wednesday 24th April

There was a musical theme to today’s holiday scheme. Our older group were very creative making pan pipes out of straws and lollipop sticks, while our younger children made shakers from cups and a variety of noisy fillings. The children had great fun working out which food made the best noise in their shakers with the winner definitely being cornflakes!

The morning also saw some very enthusiastic game playing outside. Our older group learnt how to play Red Rover and by the end of the session were all experts in tactics, while our younger group had a fantastic time playing ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’

In the afternoon we had a visit from Chris who had the children creating interesting rhymes and making some great clapping rhythms.

We also created some interesting wildlife art outside using natural objects such as leaves and sticks, along with some beautiful metallic paints.

April 2019

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