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February 23, 2023

The new link to become a reviewer for PHYSE.

Follow-up to Applying to review for Physica E from Rudo's blog

PHYSE has now changed from EVise to EM, hence the the link should now be as given below:

Dear ,

Thanks a lot for your interest in joining the Physica E pool of reviewers. Indeed, we are always keen to enlarge our group of experts to go out for a review. One of our key criteria is that these colleagues are known authors themselves in the field of specialization and have a publication record in the Physica E areas of excellence, i.e. nanostructures and low-dimensional systems. This excellence and engagement with Physica E’s research areas is usually best supported by previous publications in Physica E.

You can join our peer review pool by registering in EM to start the process, i.e. or

In EM, as soon as a person registers in the system, they become available as reviewers; however, they will be able to access their reviewer profile/account of a journal only when they are invited by the journal for the review process.

September 03, 2018

Applying to review for Physica E

Writing about web page

As editor of Physica E, I often receive letters from younger colleagues asking to be considered as reviewers for the journal. My answer to this is usually as given below:

Dear ,

Thanks a lot for your interest in joining the Physica E pool of reviewers. Indeed, we are always keen to enlarge our group of experts to go out for a review. One of our key criteria is that these colleagues are known authors themselves in the field of specialization and have a publication record in the Physica E areas of excellence, i.e. nanostructures and low-dimensional systems. This excellence and engagement with Physica E’s research areas is usually best supported by previous publications in Physica E.

You can join our peer review pool by registering in EVISE to start the process, i.e.

In EVISE, as soon as a person registers in the system, they become available as reviewers; however, they will be able to access their reviewer profile/account of a journal only when they are invited by the journal for the review process.

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