Pest update from Wellesbourne
When the water traps in the 2019 swede plot were checked today there were:
- 1 male and 0 femaie cabbage root flies
- 26 bean seed flies
- 51 flea beetles
- 74 pollen beetles
- 8 cabbage stem weevils
- 4 cabbage stem flea beetles
- 1 cabbage seed weevil
There were 92 carrot flies on the 3 sticky traps in the new plot for 2019. We have emoved the traps from the overwintered carrots..
10 cabbage root fly eggs were laid between 28 and 31 May (around 15 plants).
5 turnip moths were captured. No moths were captured in our other pheromone traps (silver Y moth, cabbage moth, diamond-back moth). There are 2 traps for each species.
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