Aphid captures by Rothamsted suction traps
The latest edition of AHDB Aphid News has just been published and the Rothamsted suction trap records are here. This is for the week ending 22 May.
- The peach–potato aphid was caught at nine sites, with hotspots at Writtle (58) and Broom’s Barn (36).
- The pea aphid was caught at nine sites, including a first arrival at York (18/5) and hotspots at Writtle (41), Broom’s Barn (24) andWellesbourne (19).
- The willow ̶carrot aphid was caught at all sites, with hotspots at Kirton (137), Broom's Barn (97) and Writtle (81).
- The cabbage aphid was caught at five sites this week, withhotspots at Kirton (35) and Wellesbourne (24).
- Single black bean aphids were caught at four sites.
- A single currant-lettuce aphid (Nasonovia ribisnigri) was caught in theHereford suction-trap.
- Sycamore aphids are beginning to dominate our current suction-trap samples.
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