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All 1 entries tagged Solar Eclipse Safe Viewing

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March 20, 2015

Solar Eclipse viewed in Trug of Water.

Total Eclipse, France, 1999The simplest safe way to look at the sun is reflected in water. For the 1999 total eclipse of the sun I took the family to France for a holiday around the event.

We went to a dark ages recreated village park in the Somme valley with large peaty pools and got a great view. Actually some ducks looking to be fed ruined our perfect mirror till the strange colourless dusk set in and they returned to their resting places. During totality we could look directly for a couple of minutes.

My best photo from the time, right, was pointing direct with an early digital camera. You can get the correct settings easier these days with DSLRs as some of today’s wonderful photos on the web have already demonstrated, especially when coupled with telescopes.

Today, I just set up a large trug of water in the street.

Solar Eclipse reflected in Trug of Water

Richard caught this more ‘arty’ shot through the thin branches.

Solar Eclipse through Branches

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