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March 04, 2008

'Shooting' Gun Stands on the Enville Estate

Writing about web page http://gun-stands.co.uk

Gun Stand with Musket, Powder Flask & bag.Last Thursday, before I attended the Mike Smith Memorial Mass, see previous entry, I had an early morning appointment on the Enville Estate, South Staffordshire. I found myself in parkland, with sheep & two fine hunters, taking digital photos for the latest CCM startup, Gun-Stands.co.uk .

Keith Woodall was on the same Enville Estate, for a shoot when he first observed the problem faced by many shooting parties; “I hated to see fine matched pairs of shotguns in the wet grass”. He designed the Stand and manufactured it with the help of local business GRP Building Products . Finalising the website details a packing specialist measured up the stand for the shipping containers. He was a clay pidgeon club member who immediately saw another potential customer. “I have to take my son along to hold the guns upright as noone wants to put their guns down on the rough concrete”.

This is the latest web-site I have created using MS Office Live Small Business or MSOLSB to its friends! These sites, with a free properly hosted domain name, are simple to set up but support all the correct search engine optimisation support. The only area I am thinking of improving is the site map which is not to the full SiteMaps.org standard. But it does have an effective site map as standard and it will be easy to upgrade this to the XML based standard.

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