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March 28, 2013

GOOD OMENS play in Glasgow. A Review.

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Three of us went up to Glasgow to see GOOD OMENS at the Cottiers Theatre on Saturday night. This was the 4th of the 8 performances and was the tightest so far with the scene changes quick enough to keep the story going with some gaps just long enough for experienced ‘regulars’ to make quick loo breaks.

Amy Hoff’s adaptation of the story stripped the book down to the essence of the story. I had just re-read the book for the 3rd or 4th time so I checked with Alison, not finished yet & sister Jacqui, who had never read the book. Everyone agreed the story was complete and well told, with many of the best jokes, well delivered.

The Cult Classics company was a mixture of experienced thespians and performers with some students & scientists who loved the book. Casting produced some perfect matches.
The challenge of the four 11 year old members of The Them were delivered with childish enthusiasm and a bit of help from perspective as they naturally drifted to the rear in the presence of Adults. Adam came more to the front as his ‘powers’ grew.

The Crowley character dominated but worked well with Aziraphale. The female characters were all strongly delivered with a brilliant Madame Tracey, Anathema Device & Pepper. Shadwell seemed at home in Glasgow and of the minor characters Death delivered the best lines beautifully slowly.
GOOD OMENS cast at curtain call.

More photos over in this Facebook album.

Finally the narration of William D Albright just linked the on-stage scenes perfectly.

We enjoyed our trip to Cottiers. The bar was warm and welcoming and next time we must try their food too.
If you are thinking of going tonight, Friday or Saturday, get a ticket! Our top-price tickets were only £5.

March 05, 2013

GOOD OMENS at Cottiers, Glasgow. 1st stage production of Pratchett/Gaiman Novel

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Good Omens Play Crowley & Aziraphale

GOOD OMENS is to be staged at the Cottiers Theatre, Glasgow between March 20th-23rd & 27th-30th. GOOD OMENS is a comedy based on the novel by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, and adapted for the stage by Amy Hoff.

Alison and I are off to see this production and will be joined by my sister, all the way from Folkstone. How did we hear of this? Our son Richard has a supporting role as Brian, one of ‘the Them’.

Richard is also Warwick Graduate, so I elected to post this on my Warwick Blog, and is currently a PhD student at the University of Glasgow.

We have just had it confirmed that Crowley’s leather greatcoat is our John’s old one.

Follow the link above to learn more or click on the poster, right, to see all of the posters at

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