All entries for February 2008
February 29, 2008
Celebrating the life of Mike Smith on his Anniversary
Follow-up to Mike Smith, Craftsman, Metal Spinner, R.I.P. from Rob McGonigle on Internet Search & SMEs
Yesterday I attended a mass to celebrate the life of Mike Smith conducted by Fr. Prem Jayalath Fernando at the University Chaplaincy.
His youngest daughter, Thérèse, is now a student here at Warwick and organised this Mass on the occasion of the anniversary of Mike’s premature death. Father Fernando was well briefed about Mike’s business and links with WMG and WMCCM and he also painted a different picture of Mike as an Alter Boy and chorister. Mark Swift also took time out as he juggles two jobs and my son Richard, who met Thérèse on NAGTY events, was able to attend. Thérèse was also supported by 4th year Chemist, Matthew Cooper.
I did not find out about Mikes death till some time later so his anniversary caught us all by surprise, even his daughter. This late notice meant several work friends of Mike sent messages of support and apologies including Iain Robertson of MAS, Tony Ashford in the ‘Quarter’, Dr. Jay Bal, WMG and Sharon Tuersley ex-WMCCM and now on the library staff.
February 04, 2008
Optional www expands Canonical confusion with MS Office Small Business Live & Google Pagemaker
Writing about web page
I have written about the problems of different aliases of a page such as to the WMCCM home page below.
The http:// has always been optional and so has the www so the 4 aliases’ above becomes 16 or 32 if you have https secure variations too.
Two of the main free and inexpensive website hosting options Microsoft Office Live Basics and Google Page Creator both create websites without the www at the start but these still work if www is added. These links also have many aliases’.
TSF Coventry’s site is provided by MS and the main version does not use the www. so all links to the site should look like for their structural steels page. Good practice should use the same URL convention for the internal links as those used for the inbound links.