September 21, 2007

When TalkTalk goes silent!

Writing about web page

I have been watching the customer service problems of TalkTalk with interest. First these were the problems of success as users queued up to get connected to their competitive offer.

This week a neighbour asked to use our internet access. Her TalkTalk phone service and broadband access had been down for several weeks. Repeated attempts to get this fixed via TalkTalk’s offshore call centre had failed.

She then cancelled the direct debit but even this did not provoke any response. BT cannot provide a service untill she successfully terminates the TalkTalk contract. Several expensive mobile calls to TalkTalk always seemed to be cut off when being held “whilst we go through the disconnection process”.

TalkTalk are great whilst things go well but this has turned into a nightmare, she said.

Thinking about joining up with TalkTalk? Just type talk talk problems or talk talk cancel into Google first.

- One comment Not publicly viewable

  1. Broadband Girl

    You could also try looking on the broadband genie website – there’s an opportunity to comment on Talk Talk if you want (on a high progile broadband site) plus loads of other useful stuff about switching broadband provider and broadband availability / speed

    08 Jan 2008, 15:11

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