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November 05, 2014

Photo Frame wall–mounting problems solved at a glaziers!

Writing about web page http://www.northfieldglass.co.uk/contact-us/

Laura & John on the StaircaseI have been searching Coventry’s DIY, and picture framing shops for photo frames that can be screwed to the wall as I want to put-up some large graduation prints under the stairs. The problem has got worse after Laura & John’s wedding. See their grand re-entrance down the spiral staircase on the right.

I solved the problem when I went to visit a client, Fred Atkinson at his Northfield Glass Centre just off the A38 Bristol Road South in Birmingham. They also had the widest range of framed mirrors in their showroom that I have seen.

- One comment Not publicly viewable

  1. Sue

    If anyone’s in the Bath area I’d recommend “Roman Glass” on the Lower Bristol Road.

    06 Nov 2014, 15:43

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