Google's view of the Web– An Alternative Top 10.
I was adding all territories to a Google Adwords campaign and sorted it by ‘Reach’, Google’s claim to their web-audience. to find a surprising top 10.
The most notable absentee is China, down in 17th place, with a reach of 12.3 million, one below Taiwan in Google’s eyes!
So how low has Google’s share of the China search market dropped after they pulled out of China?
Google now has less than 5% share, down in 4th place behind Baidu, 73%, Qihoo 360 on 10% and Sogou with almost 8%.
Google continues to be more dominant in the UK than their US base with 91% share here, last November. Bing has been growing lately and made France their target. I have not been able to find up-to-date data for the shares in France where Google had 90% back in 2011.
In truth this top ten is a bit like the ‘alternative tables’ at the end of Match of the Day 2 such as the league if games ended after 90 minutes elapsed time.
A bit of fun with no real meaning.
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